‘Framework Church’ Launches

A less ‘formal’ form of churchgoing is now available in Ruddington thanks to a new initiative hosted at The Framework Knitters’ Museum.

The fortnightly venue along Chapel Street

Held on alternate Thursdays from 11am in the Old Methodist Chapel, off Parker’s Yard, organisers say everyone’s invited to ‘Framework Church’. The name was chosen because of the meeting location rather than any connection with the venue itself.

Jane Gray, of St Peter’s Church, explains: “A steering group of 7 of us have been meeting in the space for about a year, exploring the idea of a church within the community, and have recently gone ‘live’ with it.  Since we opened up to the community we now have about 20-25 people regularly attending, which seems to be growing each week.  It’s really ‘ church, but not as you know it’ in that we are a very relaxed group who believe passionately that church is out there amongst people, going about their daily lives, and not only within a building.”

Jane says the format is very casual: “We open with complimentary coffee, have a chat then go into a time of musical worship (two guitars, modern worship songs, very contemporary) which is followed by a bible reading and talk. The talk is informal, and invites participation and conversation around the topic. We may have a testimony; however much we can teach about faith, the best way of seeing it in action is to hear stories from people whose lives have been changed forever. We then share what has been happening in our week ( for those that want to) and offer support, both practical and prayer, to those that need it. Usually close with a bit more music, or open prayer – we really try and just be guided by what we feel God is saying to us.”

Jane adds: “Our logo is a triangular road sign (very timely in Ruddington at the moment!) which says ‘ Give Way – God at Work’ and that really sums up what we are about – handing everything over to God and letting Him work in our lives.”

Sarah Godfrey, Creative and Commercial Manager for The Framework Knitters’ Museum, says: “Our Parker’s Yard chapel space is available to privately hire by any group or individual. It is a great space for parties, pop up shops, events, workshops and gatherings. We are not affiliated with any religion and accept any faith group to practice here if they wish.”

The next meeting of ‘Framework Church’ is TODAY (Thursday 21st September) and then every other week after that. Although officially running from 11am until 12.30pm, you can just come and go around those times, as organisers stress that it’s all very informal.

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