This historic residential care home, tucked away on sleepy Vicarage Lane, is one of no less than three properties in Ruddington run by owners My Care.
St Peter’s Care Home is actually the former vicarage, after which the lane was named. Originally, though, the road was called ‘Red Lion Street’ because of the public house along there. Village folklore has it that one Reverend was so unhappy about having these licensed premises so close to his vicarage (the old pub building is still there but now a private house) he actually managed to get the inn closed down! The Red Lion then moved to the corner of High Street and Easthorpe Street, where it remains to this day.

The front of the care home is the original part of the old vicarage and the main door to the building is the original front door. The surrounding wall to the front of the property is Grade 2 listed. ‘My Care’ added an extension to the premises in 2016, increasing its capacity from 18 to 36 residents. The home offers residential and dementia care to the elderly – providing both short term respite and permanent care.
Emma Johnson has been managing St Peter’s for just over four years, and says it’s a great place to live and work: “Our décor within the building has unique and boutique qualities with original door frames still in situ. Our rooms are all ensuite and some have showers and baths available. We have spacious lounge and dining areas and also have a seaside/bistro room with tea and coffee facilities for visitors and guests. We also have beautiful garden and patio areas to the front and rear of the building” says Emma, adding: “Residents and visitors make full use of the front patio area. We have garden parties and also some of our activities – such as planting – take place outdoors. We play a variety of music outside when the weather is good.”
She also points out the old Oak tree in the garden: “This is protected. The home owner went to great lengths to preserve that tree. It attracts lots of wildlife and makes our environment quite tranquil. Residents love to see the birds and squirrels that it attracts.”
Though they are remaining cautious, Emma explains how things are now starting to ease up in terms of Coronavirus restrictions: “Loved ones, friends and relatives are able to book visits and spend time together – and even join in with our outdoor entertainments, with COVID safe measures in place. Our activities range from arts and crafts, coffee mornings, exercise classes, hairdressing once a week, cheese and wine evenings, afternoon tea. We also have ‘themed’ days such has seaside themes, wild wild west, rock ‘n’ roll, Bollywood, summer party and sports days!”
There’s plenty of variety in terms of the cuisine at St Peter’s Care Home, too. “Our qualified cooks cater for every individual preference, needs and cultures, taking account of allergies. Our menus offer a range of diverse and traditional foods such as roast dinners, fish and chips, pies, baked potatoes, curries, pizzas and traditional puddings – like rice pudding, sponge & custard and cornflake tart. We offer two choices at meal times and residents can also choose something of their own choice that isn’t on the menu.”
Emma says their service users are supported to remain independent, and loved ones can be reassured that the staff at St Peters are very friendly and family orientated: “Nothing is too much trouble no matter how big or small” she adds. “It is our motto that ‘Family is where our story begins’!”
If you’d like to find out more about St Peter’s Care Home – or about My Care‘s other Ruddington properties Balmore Country House and Orchard House – you can make contact and request a brochure >>HERE<<.