Ruddington Parish Councillors have again said “no” to imposing a time restriction or long stay parking charges in their Church Street Car Park.
As we reported earlier this week, following an approach from Ruddington Co-op, the idea was revisited at last night’s full Parish Council Meeting (October 12th). Although parking would have remained free for up to two hours (with the two options put forward either making that the maximum stay or imposing parking charges after that) Councillors voted unanimously against both parking proposals by Horizon Parking Ltd which it had made on behalf of the Church Street foodstore.
Councillors felt that any possible solution to the parking issues within the centre of the village needed more investigation. They said the report provided had only looked at one aspect of the parking issues – and either of the two options could have the unintended effect of deterring visitors to the village, which would have a negative effect on the many businesses within Ruddington.
Parish Councillor Peter Lyons-Lewis says: “There was concern at damaging the reputation of Ruddington if any such charging model was brought in without adequate prior research into the wider problem. Also, some of the reasons given by Horizon were inaccurate: such as a claimed lack of public transport. As a village, Ruddington has some of the best public transport in the county!”
Ruddington Village Centre Partnership had gathered feedback from traders in response to the proposals – the majority of whom were against them. Ruddington Parish Council also reports it had one business and one resident email directly with their opinions. However, despite a great deal of public feedback on Ruddington social media, it also reveals that no-one actually attended the meeting to express their opinion on this contentious item.
Cllr Justine Lucas adds: “It was great to see and hear so many people being passionate about the agenda item regarding parking at the Co-op. At the Parish Council we want to hear the opinion of residents, traders and businesses in the village which will help us form our decision. But, if you do have an opinion on an agenda item, it is advised to either attend the Parish Council meeting, email the office or speak directly to a Councillor. You can come and talk to us on our stall at the monthly Ruddington Village Market, too”.

Nevertheless, it’s reported that a visit from Rushcliffe MP Ruth Edwards to St Peter’s Rooms last night was well received. She introduced herself and talked about the areas she was focusing on – which were drawn from responses to a survey she had conducted in Rushcliffe, areas that progress was being made on and a crime survey result. She also addressed the issue of schools – saying how Rushcliffe School is to be expanded as a short term measure before an addition school is built – and took a couple of questions.
Despite a general lack of public attendees, the appearance of our MP to speak at last night’s meeting seemed to inspire a mass visit from Ruddington’s Conservative Borough and County Councillors. Cllr Mike Gaunt – who represents Ruddington for Labour on both Parish & Borough Councils – comments: “Let’s hope that, going forward, at least one of them makes an appearance at future Parish Council meetings as it can feel quite lonely for Cllr Jen Walker and myself as the only Borough Councillors who ever attend and give reports!”
The next full meeting of Ruddington Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 9th November at 7.30pm.