Ruddington’s rural perimeter is now threatened with around 410 new homes – that’s 64% more properties than first proposed. The latest consultation, starting TODAY, is on the suitability of the remaining FOUR out of thirteen Green Belt sites originally earmarked by Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) in their revised Local Plan for future housing development.
You can read all the background >>HERE<<.
The current shortlist (see new map above) was approved at an RBC Cabinet meeting last month at Rushcliffe Arena when, without discussion, the five members unanimously rubber-stamped the recommendation (below) of the “Local Plan Part 2: Preferred Housing Sites” report about which areas of the historic Green Belt in Rushcliffe should be rescinded:-
“It is RECOMMENDED that Cabinet
a) Supports the proposed housing and mixed use site allocations as recommended in the report;
b) Supports publication of the proposed housing and mixed use site allocations for the purposes of public consultation; and
c) Delegates authority to the Executive Manager-–-Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing, to determine the form of consultation and the detail of the main consultation document.”
This means that Ruddington is now in line for the following housing allocations by 2028:-
In theory, other sites (see old map above) from the original consultations are now “off the table”. However RBC Chairman Simon Robinson moved to “implore councils and groups to have their say and make their comments known in the next consultation stage”. Deputy leader Debbie Mason was keen to stress that the sites put forward for development in the proposed plan were done so by Parish Councils, land owners and farmers among other sources. But RBC want to “put people of Rushcliffe in control of the plan and not the developers.” So, if you think one of the sites dropped should still be included, NOW’s the time to say! Alternatives may yet be needed to fulfil the housing quota if one or more of the final four suggested sites is rejected.
The Ruddington Community Association asserts that RUD1 should not even be considered for building on because it includes the covenanted Sellors’ Recreation Ground – which is registered as an Asset of Community Value – and so is urging villagers to reject that option completely. Meantime Ruddington Action Group is particularly unhappy with our village’s increased housing allocation from 250 to 410 new homes.