It was last summer when revealed the news that 588 houses already approved in four brand new estates on Green Belt land around Ruddington was going to be far from the end of the story.
We reported that a new document called the ‘Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan – Growth Options Consultation July 2020′ had gone out for ‘consultation’ – with remarkably little fanfare – published by Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership (GNPP). The original deadline for responses was Monday September 14th 2020.
Now, in an apologetic communication to known, previous respondents, GNPP reveals: “We have been made aware of a technical issue with a small number of comments sent by email which were blocked by security software and not received. This issue only relates to comments sent to the email address. Comments submitted directly online using our consultation system or sent by post were not affected.”
It continues: “The technical issue has now been resolved but, in order to ensure that we receive all comments on the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Growth Options document, we are extending the consultation period for an additional 6 weeks. The deadline for comments is Wednesday 24th March 2021.”
Not only will this give the chance for Ruddington residents who responded that way to email again, to make sure, but also provide a new opportunity for anyone who missed this important consultation first time around to have your say now.
Greater Nottingham Planning Partnership is a body set up in 2008 which includes not only Rushcliffe Borough Council but also those of Broxtowe, Erewash, Gedling and Nottingham City, plus the Hucknall part of Ashfield District, and the two associated County Councils of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. The partnership’s stated aim is “to prepare statutory strategic development plans which are consistent and provide a coherent policy framework across the area”.
Evidently that ‘consistent and coherent policy framework’ involves DOUBLING the size of Ruddington by 2038! A 111 page document downloadable >>HERE<< accompanies the extra six week consultation period which is now underway. The parts most relevant to our village are nicely tucked away on pages 97, 98 and 99 under Section R12:
Ruddington Extension – Village Expansion:
- R12.1 West of Pasture Lane
- R12.2 North Road
- R12.3 East of Loughborough Road
- R12.4 Land south of Wheatcroft Island, Flawforth Lane
Bizarrely, the new maps drawn up by GNPP (the Ruddington section is shown top) display existing ‘Core Strategy Sites’ like Fairham Pastures and Sharphill Wood but do NOT show the four Ruddington Green Belt areas (shown in blue below) which were approved in February 2020 as part of Rushcliffe’s Local Plan Part 2 for a total of 588 dwellings.
If you superimpose these four sites (in red below) onto GNPP’s map it gives the correct picture of all the Green Belt development which could happen around Ruddington by 2038, should all the mooted new areas also be rubber stamped.

It’s clear most of the proposed, additional Ruddington Green Belt sites are much larger and intended to accommodate thousands of properties – not just hundreds. These new, more remote estates would dwarf anything that’s already been approved in our village. Not only that, but if the building went ahead as drafted, Ruddington would be physically joined up with Clifton Estate to the West, Edwalton to the north and Bradmore to the south – with hundreds more acres of farmland concreted over and no Green Belt corridor remaining between our ‘village’ and other Nottingham conurbations.

Both Ruddington’s Labour Borough Councillors are dismayed by the plans. Cllr Jennifer Walker says: “I would like to encourage the residents of Ruddington to get online and make their written contribution to this Greater Strategic Design as soon as possible. We need to make it clear that Ruddington’s infrastructure is already struggling under the pressure of present and future housing. If it is truly ‘under consultation’ than public opinion will carry much weight especially in light of the Borough’s adoption of the Local Plan Part 2.”

Cllr Mike Gaunt adds: “Any hint or even a suggestion of building any new housing on Green Belt land around Ruddington is an outrage. The Local Plan Part 2 has hammered Ruddington with 588 new homes already and, as we have repeatedly pointed out, this is already overwhelming our village’s infrastructure. To build housing at the level suggested would see the end of Ruddington as an independent village and see its character permanently change. Councillor Walker and I will fight these proposals, but we will need the support of the community if we are to succeed. Please do contribute to the discussion.”
A spokesperson for Protect Ruddington – which campaigned long and hard against the 167 houses now being built along Wilford Road – comments: “This is just appalling and outrageous. After all the Green Belt housing our village has already been forced to take, these new plans are unbelievable!” A later statement adds: “Given Rushcliffe Borough Council and the Government Planning Inspectorate’s record of disregarding village opinion, we do sympathise with those who think this will be a waste of their time. However, NO response will send the message we don’t care – which we do. At least taking part gives us a CHANCE of making a difference!?”
Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) has already voiced its strong objections to these proposals and, last year, even distributed thousands of leaflets around the village to encourage as many residents as possible to take part in the consultation. It’s urging all villagers to oppose more development in Ruddington’s Green Belt by officially registering our opinions whilst we now have a second chance.
Our Parish Council also produced the video below to highlight their objections to the Plan – along with concerns from some villagers – and to give you an overview of this consultation. But this is not an easy document to navigate and complete – and the helpful template Cllr Walker mentions in the video can be downloaded >>HERE<< for your guidance, and for you to adapt as you wish. The more detailed RPC consultation response is >>HERE<<.
Additionally, all who have previously commented are asked to check the published list at to see if your comments have been received – and re-submit them if you are not on this list. GNPP says: “We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.”
You can take part NOW via the Greater Nottingham Strategic Plan Consultation Extension page which can be found >>HERE<<. Accompanying documentation to help you can be dowloaded from >>HERE<< and >>HERE<<.
REMEMBER, the extended deadline to complete this consultation is now Wednesday 24th March 2021, but there is much information to read and digest if you didn’t do it before, so please don’t leave it until the last minute!!