It’s hoped eyesore scenes like these over the weekend in Ruddington will become less frequent once all Nottinghamshire County Council recycling centres reopen for residents – then businesses – over the next eight days.

This latest fly-tip (top) of a mattress and other household waste was captured on camera by local photographer Paul Witney along Asher Lane. Rubbish including a child’s buggy and artificial Christmas tree was also dumped illegally on a verge alongside Wilford Road, obstructing the footpath (right). Waste from both of these locations will now have to be cleared away by Council contractors at taxpayers’ expense.
However, forensic clues and other evidence can often be found in the dumped rubbish to track down and fine those responsible. Rushcliffe Borough Council warns: “It is more hazardous than littering and is therefore a criminal offence under waste legislation. On conviction, the fine is up to £50,000, or six month’s imprisonment, or both.”
The COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic resulted in all recycling centres across the county being closed in March due to the ‘lockdown’. As this is ‘eased’, Ruddington’s nearest centre on Rugby Road in West Bridgford is one of the four remaining ones to be reopened this Monday, June 1st. Initially it will be open to cars only, however for longer hours – from 8am to 6pm, 7 days a week. ‘Social distancing’ will be enforced and there’ll be a strict one car in, one car out system in place.
From Monday 8th June all the centres will also reopen to vans, trailers and pickups, too.
Please note that, for now, the sites will be running a reduced service and only the following materials can be taken:
• garden waste,
• wood
• cardboard
• metals
• waste electrical and electronic equipment
• general waste
Staff will be onsite but not permitted to help with unloading due to social distancing. Residents are also reminded that if they have coronavirus symptoms, are self-isolating or at a high risk of contracting the virus, they should not travel to the sites.

Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, Councillor Kay Cutts MBE, says: “We have successfully reopened eight of the county’s recycling centres and are set to open the remaining four sites on Monday. We can do this thanks to the diligence of residents who have treated the reopening of centres sensibly and safely.”
She adds: “As the sites will be open for longer, residents will have more opportunity to dispose of their waste, so I urge people not to rush to the sites. I would still reiterate that where possible residents should store waste safely at home in the first instance. In doing so residents will help us to continue to deliver this service effectively whilst the sites operate at a reduced capacity due to social distancing.”
The Council says it is continuing to work closely with the Waste Collection Authorities at the District and Borough councils to ensure that residents continue to receive effective kerbside waste services. And as of 1 June there will also be a resumption of the full kerbside service.
Meantime, if you see someone committing a fly-tipping offence in Ruddington, or need to notify Rushcliffe Borough Council about fly-tipping, you can report it online >>HERE<< or call them on 0115 981 9911.