Ruddingtonians are being reminded that yet another closure of Flawforth Lane is taking place this week – scheduled for five days from Monday 22nd October at 8.00am until Friday 26th October at 5.00pm.
It’s so that Severn Trent Water can make a new connection at Barn Farm “…from a point 1250 metres east of its junction with A60 Loughborough Road in an easterly direction for a distance of 2000 metres.” A spokesperson has confirmed that this is a FULL road closure, including for cyclists and pedestrians – although emergency access will be maintained. However, if when beginning the work the teams deem it safe, they say they may open the footpaths for residents in the area.
This latest closure comes despite Flawforth Lane already having been shut to traffic for over THREE MONTHS at the end of last summer and then for a further three weeks Ruddington-bound this January! Although this country lane is not officially a major route in and out of Ruddington it is a popular access route for both village residents and commuters, particularly at peak times, so the closure will again cause inconvenience and delays for drivers forced around the diversionary route.
Motorists who would normally use it as a shortcut from the Loughborough Road/Kirk Lane traffic lights to the roundabout will instead be diverted along the A60, via The Nottingham Knight roundabout, on to the A52 instead, and vice-versa. No bus routes will be directly affected by this diversion – but delays to peak time services using Loughborough Road are possible.
Locals had begun to wonder whether a lack of advance yellow warning signs meant the work had been postponed. But then the notice below appeared on a telegraph pole last Wednesday, confirming that it would go ahead as planned.