Will the General Election Affect House Prices?

The Labour Party has enjoyed a landslide UK General Election victory this month – and even returned Ruddington’s first Labour MP in over half a century. Although housing was not top of everyone’s agenda this time around, it’s still an important subject that many home owners, and soon-to-be first time buyers, are watching very closely, writes Benwell Daykin Estate Agents. But has the General Election impacted house prices already, and will it cause any significant changes now the election has taken place? Has the general election affected house prices so far?…

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Ruddington Turns Red!

As the Labour Party celebrates a resounding victory in the General Election, one of its biggest wins is here in Rushcliffe – which has been a Conservative stronghold since Kenneth Clarke won back the seat for the Tories in 1970. A turnout of 73.22% yesterday (4th July 2024), saw queues forming outside Ruddington’s two polling stations at the Village Hall and St Peter’s Rooms.  Ballot boxes from here and elsewhere in the constituency were rushed to Rushcliffe Arena, once the polling stations closed at 10pm, for the counting to get underway. At…

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