Ruddington will feature on national television again this week – after a well known presenter and her camera crew secretly dropped in on one of our village’s heritage attractions earlier in the year.

It was at the start of February that BBC1‘s Bargain Hunt came to Nottinghamshire, where host Natasha Raskin Sharp and experts Ben Cooper and Izzie Balmer brought the two teams antique hunting. During the morning of Friday February 4th Natasha visited Ruddington’s Framework Knitters’ Museum on Chapel Street to discover how a 16th-century curate revolutionised the world of knitting – before getting hands-on with the frames and the circular knitting machines. She and the crew spent the entire morning filming in the frameshops and the cottages for the new episode.
Entitled “Newark 10” we can reveal that its debut television screening will be this Monday, 20th June, at 12.15pm on BBC1 – with a repeat on BBC2 at 7.15am on Tuesday, 21st June.
Museum Trustee and former Manager Jim Grevatte tells us: “It was fun having the crew from the BBC with us back in February. They were really professional and seemed to enjoy their time exploring this unique museum. Like most of our visitors, they were surprised how much there is to see. They were here for over three hours and said they would struggle to edit it down to get four minutes on air!”
New Operations Manager Sarah Godfrey wasn’t yet in post when the television recording was done, but says: “Obviously I’m delighted. Who doesn’t love Bargain Hunt? I’ll be watching!”
Framework Knitters’ Museum Trustees add they are very proud our Ruddington tourist attraction was chosen to feature in the long-running programme “…to promote our unique museum and the craft of frame knitting, which is so important in the history of this region.”
If you miss seeing it ‘live’, you’ll be able to watch this episode from Series 62 of Bargain Hunt after it’s broadcast >>HERE<< for the following 12 months.
{Photos/graphic courtesy of The Framework Knitters. Museum}