A Ruddington businesswoman is thanking villagers who rallied around to help – after a window at her premises was smashed over the weekend.
Lesley Wells, of The Old Bakehouse Tearoom on Church Street, rushed back to her workplace to survey the damage on her day off – after she was alerted to a possible “break-in” by a concerned resident who called into The Black Cat Café. Police had already arrived at the scene of the crime on Sunday morning (3rd February) and it was noted that a window had also been smashed at Gino’s Ristorante next door. Neither of the premises had been entered – and blood stains around the windows were consistent with someone putting a bare fist through them. Samples were taken for forensic evidence to try to identify the culprit.

Lesley told us: “The people in the village have been so kind. The couple across the road in the white cottage came over and they said they had ‘phoned the police and asked if there was there anything they could do? Then a couple down the road came and boarded the window up free of charge. So I think I have been very lucky. What a fabulous village!”
It seems the damage may have resulted from an argument which started in The White Horse Inn on Saturday evening and then got more heated as it continued outside. Landlord Andy Hunt told us: “The police have been contacted by someone on behalf of the person in our pub on Saturday night and offered to pay for the damages – as it was a domestic issue that got out of hand.” Officers say they still haven’t identified the person responsible – but are happy to let the matter lie so long as compensation is paid to the affected businesses.
As for village crime as a whole, reported incidents in Ruddington went up again last month, with 24 recorded offences. These included some higher profile cases we’ve reported on previously (hyperlinked below).
This is the full Rushcliffe Police list of recorded offences, day by day, for January 2019:-
1st Distillery Street – Theft from vehicle – unknown means of entry
Top Road – Theft from vehicle – unknown means of entry
9th Wilford Road – Criminal damage to car – tyres slashed
Mere Way – Theft from van – tools stolen – entry by side door
10th Wilford Road – Theft from shop – Meat stolen
12th Leys Road – Theft of car by unknown means – White Fiesta
13th Church Street – Burglary shop premises – Shutter broken and jewellery stolen
17th Camelot Street – Theft from vehicle – boot opened by unknown means
Wilford Road- Wallet Stolen from shop
18th Old Station Drive – Theft from vehicle – entry by unknown means
Loughborough Road – Drive off from petrol station
20th Ashworth Avenue- Theft from vehicle – entry by unknown means
The Approach – Theft from vehicle
St Marys Crescent – Theft from Vehicle
Camelot Street – Theft from Vehicle
Musters Road – Criminal Damage – fence damaged by car
23rd Loughborough Road – Drive off from Petrol Station
26th Loughborough Road – Forgery – Fake £10 passed at shop
Davidson Gardens – Theft of car – Audi stolen with keys
Cooper Gardens – Theft of vehicle – found a short distance away
Camelot Street – Theft from vehicle – sunglasses stolen
Loughborough Road – Drive off from petrol Station
Church Street – Fraud – bogus charity collectors – stole money from elderly woman
30th Brookside Road – Criminal damage at building
You’ll notice a high number of thefts of and from vehicles in Ruddington late in January – a trend which police say has continued into February. Officers have just posted this latest warning on Facebook:
“Sadly Ruddington has been targeted again for thefts from motor vehicles over the weekend period, we as the police are keen to catch the culprit for this and will be completing patrols accordingly. The streets targeted this time are Woodhouse Gardens, Martin Crescent, Bradbury Gardens, Churchill Drive, Camelot Street and Westerham Road and Brettsil Drive we are appealing for any witness or properties that may have CCTV to check it and get in touch if they see anyone suspicious on their footage. We believe this time that the suspect may have been using a bike.”
Some of these thefts may be part of a fresh spate of vehicles being accessed and/or stolen using a method known as “Relay Car Theft” (see illustration below). Crime prevention officers recommend the following advice and guidance if you own a keyless entry vehicle:-
- Contact your dealer and talk about the digital features in your car. Have there been any software updates you can take advantage of?
- Check if your keyless entry fob can be turned off. If it can, and your dealer can also confirm this, then do so overnight.
- Store your keys away from household entry points. Keeping your keyless entry fob out of sight is not enough – thieves only need to gain proximity to the key to amplify the signal.
- Be vigilant. Keep an eye out for suspicious activity in your neighbourhood – and report anything unusual to the Police.
- Review your car security. Check for aftermarket security devices such as mechanical locks and trackers, which are proven to deter thieves.
Additionally, please be careful never to leave any valuables on display to tempt thieves – and remove expensive items from vehicles whenever possible.
If you have any information about any of the reported offences in Ruddington – or may have captured CCTV footage that could help – you’re asked to call Nottinghamshire Police on 101. Or you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
{TOP PHOTO: Courtesy of Howard Greville-Giddings}