A revised planning application for a former Ruddington convenience store has been put before Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) – which now proposes THREE levels on the site of the existing single storey building.
It was back in December 2017 that Barclay & Cook, at 7-9 High Street, closed its doors after over forty years under the stewardship of David Cook when dwindling trade prompted his decision to sell the shop and retire. The premises have lain empty ever since.

As we reported just over a year ago, RBC has already granted planning permission for the addition of a rather contemporary looking first floor (pictured) despite this building being in Ruddington’s Conservation Area. The already approved plans involve partially demolishing the existing unit, including its distinctive pan-tiled roof, rebuilding an unsafe side wall, adding a new shop front and removing internal walls to create a larger trading area.
The new application, submitted on behalf of Steve Bell by Chris Lindley from planning consultants Heatons, “…seeks to revise certain elements of a scheme granted planning permission under reference 18/00212/FUL1 – namely the addition of a second floor level. It is also proposed that there will be revisions to the elevations, including the insertion of additional window openings.” Mr Lindley explains: “In the 12 months following the grant of planning permission, the property has been actively marketed as an investment opportunity. Whilst there has been some interest in the property, unfortunately this marketing has not yielded a viable offer from interested parties. As such, the applicant is considering alternative options to increase the attractiveness of the property to the investment market. Following careful consideration, a decision has been made to increase the amount of floorspace on offer to provide the opportunity to deliver an improved investment yield.”
The new street view (above), drawn up by Welham Architects, shows a rather more traditional first floor aspect from High Street, with the more contemporary styling reserved for the roof area and proposed second floor. Further documents relating to this application can be viewed >>HERE<<.
Ruddington Parish Council has chosen not to object to the revised plans. Public comments about this application (19/01334/RELDEM) are invited via the RBC planning portal >>HERE<< or in writing by no later than 16th July 2019, as detailed on the site notice below.
UPDATE 3rd September 2019:
Permission for these plans has now been granted by Rushcliffe Borough Council to applicant Steve Bell subject to slightly revised design >>HERE<<.