Mystery surrounds the identity of the kind-hearted benefactor, or benefactors, who’ve spread some welcome, festive cheer to numerous households in our area over the Christmas period.
Envelopes marked “R.A.K. Random Act of Kindness” landed in letterboxes around Ruddington, Clifton and Silverdale – each containing £100! However the handwriting on the front appears different on some of them – suggesting perhaps more than one person was involved.
Maria Watson of Clifton Donation Group helped to spread the word about the generous gifts saying they were a “Random Act Of Kindness from an amazing, anonymous person.” When asked her whether she knew the identity of the kind individual responsible, Maria replied: “They wish to remain anonymous.. R.A.K .. xx”
Ruddington resident Laura Jayne Allen posted on Facebook: “We were fortunate enough to receive one. It made our Christmas to think someone could be so kind.” Dan posted on Twitter: “To whoever left this for my Gran, thank you from the bottom of all our hearts” whilst decorator Adam Kemp tweeted a photo (right) of the envelope he received.
Whether there is any connection with, or inspiration from, the American based ‘Random Acts of Kindness Foundation’ is also unknown. This organisation encourages us to become ‘RAKtivisits’ – “Individuals who believe kindness can change the world, who remind everyone around them how much love there is in the world and who inspire hope and generosity with their actions as much as their words.”
If YOU’RE another grateful Ruddington recipient of one of these Christmas envelopes – or you know someone in the village who was and would like to tell us – we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us >>HERE<<. We can publish a ‘thank you’ message anonymously, if you prefer.