The issue of finding somewhere to park in Ruddington for visitors, local residents and workers is being addressed in new plans by Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC).
It follows growing complaints from shoppers and traders about the lack of daytime parking spaces in our village centre. When a maximum two hour waiting limit was introduced in more areas a few years ago it just seemed to move the problem on to the unrestricted streets – causing even more misery for residents trying to park near their homes.

A survey by Ruddington Parish Council, carried out at its Church Street (Co-op) Car Park at the start of this year, suggested that on weekdays an average of fifteen spaces were being taken up by people leaving their vehicles there all day – presumably whilst at work. But a decision on a proposal to discourage this – by introducing steep parking fees for anyone who wished to stay there for longer than two hours – was deferred back in January. RPC said this was for Councillors to be able to consider the whole parking issue in the centre of Ruddington – something the Ruddington Village Centre Partnership is still looking at. A subsequent campaign by frustrated village centre residents has prompted these new NCC parking plans, but they hope that others will also benefit from the proposals.
For the main village centre streets the planned changes drawn up by Via East Midlands are shown below:-
NCC proposes to introduce additional disabled parking bays along Church Street – outside the war memorial and another one outside the medical centre. It is also proposing to introduce additional ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions (Double Yellow Lines) along Shaw Street and Vicarage Lane to improve access to properties.
The other planned changes follow an NCC letter to village centre residents and businesses in April asking whether or not they were in support of a Residents’ Parking Scheme (RPS) operating along Charles Street and Parkyns Street. These letters were sent to 52 properties. NCC reports there were 23 (44%) completed questionnaires returned, 17 (74%) of those were in favour, 6 (26%) were against. In order for the County Council to consider the introduction of a RPS there has to be 35% of the questionnaires returned and, of these, 65% must be in favour. As the Ruddington results were within the criteria it was decided to proceed with the formal advertising of the proposals shown below:-
The areas shown hatched in blue would become residents’ parking places operating Monday to Saturday from 8am to 6pm. Properties shown within the red boundary would be eligible to buy the proposed RPS permits to park in the blue zones all day. The likely cost of these permits in Ruddington has not yet been revealed. However, in other NCC areas where they are already in use, it costs £25 for each permit issued. Free permits are available to those aged 75 years or older – or who are also Blue Badge holders.
Sarah Godfrey is one the residents campaigning for these changes. She’s observed that many of the current, unrestricted spaces are taken up all day by park ‘n’ riders using Ruddington as a place to leave their cars for free whilst catching a bus to the city to work.
Sarah told “Residents & retailers will have a better chance to park near their homes and businesses – and importantly their customers, who are spending money in the village, will have a better chance to park on these streets during the day. Someone visiting the doctors will have more chance of parking close. It’s not going to solve the parking issue alone but it will certainly give the heart of the village some breathing space.”

Steph Walford, Senior Improvements Officer for Via East Midlands, says: “Any observations on these proposals should reach me in writing, either by letter or email, by Wednesday 7th November 2018. If your comments are in the form of an objection to the proposals please clearly state this and the reasons for your objection. If the objection cannot be resolved, it will be reported through the County Council’s procedures at the appropriate time.”
Emails should be sent to whilst the postal address is:
Steph Walford (Mrs)
Via East Midlands Ltd,
Major Projects and Improvements,
County Hall,
West Bridgford,
We have been informed that all comments received have been noted and will be reported to the Communities and Place Committee on 7th March 2019. We’ll let you know of the Committee’s decision as soon as we hear it!