Police have revealed that three properties in Ruddington were also targeted during the weekend crime spree in our village.
We reported yesterday about the vehicle break-ins on Kirk Lane. It appears officers were also called about three Friday night house burglaries nearby – on Loughborough Road, Elms Park and Sheepfold Lane. It’s known the Loughborough Road break-in happened during quite a short time period between 10.30pm on Friday night and 2.00am on Saturday (9th December). A torch was recovered on the grass verge nearby. If you saw any suspicious vehicles or activity in the area at around the time of the incident, you’re asked to contact Nottinghamshire Police on 101. They’re also asking local residents with any CCTV footage to please come forward.

Moreover, RUDDINGTON.info was contacted by Ben Shaw following our story about the Kirk Lane vehicle crimes. He says: “This is awful and I know exactly how those people must feel because my van was broken into on Monday 4th of December. Two very expensive mountain bikes were taken. Please could you put this out there as I’m hoping someone may have seen something. It happened between 8.30am and 2pm in the CO-OP car park!! I’m sure you’re aware that the car park is extremely busy so some must have seen SOMETHING! The police don’t seem interested so I’m trying to gather my own information.”

Elderly resident Pamela Phethean – who’s lived in Ruddington since 1937 and is part of the our famous pharmacy family – also despairs at the current situation. “Although we pay a very large amount of money in our Community Charge for the police, this village of some 8000 people no longer has even a police station or police point!” complains Pamela. “This is quite unacceptable. Frankly, I dare not leave my home at night. The only authoritarian presence in this village is the traffic warden, who booked me opposite the chip shop where I was parked for 7 minutes, displaying my disabled badge but omitting to set the clock (quite difficult to be accurate for 7 minutes). This has been my home for over 80 years. Sadly, I no longer feel safe here.”
Ironically, only TODAY Nottinghamshire Police has published the findings of a report by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) which claims that “Nottinghamshire Police is good at keeping people safe and reducing crime.”
New Chief Constable Craig Guildford is quoted as saying: “Nottinghamshire Police is committed to reducing crime and keeping our communities safe and I am glad that this report by the HMICFRS recognises that we are good at doing this. We welcome the report into the force’s legitimacy that was undertaken in May this year, and notes many positive steps we have taken.”
You can read more about that report >>HERE<<.