Rushcliffe Borough Council is offering Ruddingtonians another chance to make their homes greener – by applying for free trees for our properties and the wider community.
This year Crab Apple and Rowan trees are being made available to villagers free of charge as part of RBC’s stated strategy to provide “sustainable environments” in light of the “significant planned housing growth” in Ruddington, and elsewhere in Rushcliffe, over the next decade.
Cllr Rob Inglis Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety at RBC said: “We are very pleased to be running this scheme again, after such a great response from residents last year where we handed out over 1,600 trees. There is also an opportunity for residents to join our tree warden scheme, to protect and help trees to flourish in our towns and villages. We hope that by increasing the number of trees in the Borough, as our communities grow, our green environments will continue to do so and improve the quality of life for current and future residents.”

Ruddingtonians can apply for up to two trees per household by visiting and submitting an application before September 30th. Successful applicants will then be able to collect the trees from the Council in November.
The Crab Apple, or Malus Sylvestris, can grow to 12 metres and suit areas of partial shade, whilst the Rowan trees, or Sorbus Aucuparia, grow best in full sunlight and can reach up to eight metres.
The Borough Council is also offering to supply and plant up to 10 trees for Ruddington Parish Council this autumn and winter, on land identified by the Parish Council with the owner’s permission. Residents can find out more information by emailing
{TOP PHOTO of Rowan Berries courtesy of}