There is no doubt these are challenging times for policing Ruddington’s streets – in unprecedented circumstances – because of the UK Government’s Coronavirus ‘lockdown’ which began three weeks’ ago.
Officers have to decide what is reasonable and unreasonable behaviour with regard to villagers heading out ONLY for brief daily exercise, travel to their work, essential shopping or medical needs – whilst also enforcing the two metre ‘social distancing’ rule if necessary. Persuasion rather than issuing fines has been the general approach so far.
Inspector Craig Berry of Rushcliffe Police (pictured top), who is responsible for neighbourhood, community and operational policing in Ruddington, says: “Whilst it is ‘business as usual’ for Nottinghamshire Police the local beat team are being visible in the area – engaging and ensuring people understand the restrictions that are in place. Our priorities for both the Police and our partners for the next three months will be the COVID-19 patrols.”
Rejoining this team is PCSO Kathryn Lucock – who has taken over as the PCSO for Ruddington. However all planned ‘Beat Surgeries’ are now cancelled until further notice due to the Coronavirus ‘public meeting’ restrictions.
The inspector adds: “Could I ask people to have a look at the following survey The information received will help me understand the concerns you have in your area and prioritise our work.”
In terms of reported crime in our village, for the month of March 2020, police statistics reveal only eleven incidents in total – three of them listed as repeat shoplifting offences by the same suspects. However two were rather higher profile crimes of trailer theft and fighting with weapons on which reported seperately last month.
The full list of Ruddington crimes from Rushcliffe Police reported via 101 for the month from 1st to 31st March 2020 is as follows:
8th Unknown suspect entered yard on Wilford Road, forced entry into an outbuilding and stole machinery.
9th Vehicle entered Loughborough Road petrol station, filled up with fuel and made off without making payment.
12th A vehicle was seen to enter a building site on Loughborough Road and remove a trailer and make off. Read more >>HERE<<.

15/16th Suspect entered Sainsbury’s and selected items without making payment on two occasions.
25th Three males were involved in a fight on Sellars Avenue. All were arrested and charged. Read more >>HERE<<.
26th Unknown suspects forced entry to wooden shed on The Green and stole a pedal cycle.
26th Two reports of theft from Sainsbury’s whereby suspect entered and left without making payment.
30th Suspect entered the Co-op and stole two bottles of Russian Vodka and the same date but later in the evening a further two bottles of Jameson’s Whisky were stolen. Suspect in both offences has been arrested and charged.
If you have further information about any of the above incidents, or may have captured CCTV footage which could help, again you’re asked to call Nottinghamshire Police on 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.