School Celebrates New Ofsted Report!

Staff, children and parents say they’re delighted that a Ruddington school judged to ‘Require Improvement’ two years’ ago has now been rated ‘Good’ in all areas. Pupils and staff gathered in the playing field at James Peacock Infant and Nursery School with balloons and banners {top photo} to celebrate the achievement.

The very welcome report, just released by Ofsted, follows a two-day visit to the Manor Park based school by three inspectors in April, during which they assessed numerous aspects of its day-to-day running and curriculum. The school’s performance in the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early years provision were all judged to be ‘Good’ this time around.

Delighted Headteacher Hannah Cutts {pictured above alongside the school’s new banner}, who only took on the role in September 2022, says: “We’re extremely happy that the hard work of our staff has been recognised, and I’m sure you’ll join me in congratulating everyone who works and volunteers at our school. We have worked relentlessly to ensure that we were striving to improve through ambitious targets and milestones, which were met and exceeded in many areas. Over the past two years we have ensured that there was a drive and dedication to all of our children in turn, making sure that each child leaves this school with fantastic memories for life, whilst also preparing them for their next stage of education and life beyond here.”

Despite the inspection visit being very thorough and intense, she says the staff and pupils actually really enjoyed it – with everyone having the opportunity to showcase the hard work which has been going on. “We couldn’t have been prouder of our children. The conversations with inspectors which we had during the two-days surpassed our expectations, with much of the second day focussed around talking about the outstanding grade descriptors. We have had the opportunity to have professional dialogue around how we can refine, reflect on and tweak current practice. The drive to improve and strive for excellence here has almost been accentuated further” she says.

In its report, Ofsted remarks on the “tangible organisational change and shift in culture to be a school creating a courageous and forward-thinking atmosphere, where leaders are restless with drive”. Ofsted felt that there was “clear direction, concise and sequential planning across the curriculum”. It says James Peacock School is inclusive and has an “unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion, children feel and talk about being seen, as well as seeing themselves within the curriculum”.

The inspectors were told by the children about many enjoyable experiences, from trips to White Post and Wollaton Hall to fire engines visiting, authors bringing books alive in flamingo costumes to litter picking at the country park.

Mrs Cutts adds that she was particularly proud to read that “Children enjoy being adventurous in the forest school area. They can climb trees, create art with natural materials and organise hammocks. They immerse themselves in solving problems. Curiosity is nurtured, children work collaboratively”.

You can read Ofsted’s full report on its Inspection of James Peacock Infant and Nursery School >>HERE<<.

Receiving particular praise following this inspection was the tight community built up at James Peacock over the past two years – extending from the staff to the support from the governors, other local headteachers and the local authority, plus the parents and carers.

L to R: Chair of Governors Claire Lees, Assistant Head Miss Rathbone, Headteacher Mrs Cutts, Business Manager Mrs Gajree & Nottinghamshire County Council Service Director Peter McConnochie.

Claire Lees {pictured above left}, who’s been Chair of Governors at JPS since last October, told “I’m really proud of everything they’ve done at the school. The leadership team has worked extremely hard to put some really strong foundations down at the school, and it’s got the opportunity to go from strength to strength. We have a fantastic new Head who’s instilled professionalism and proudness across the school. She’s really done a superb job, and the leadership team she’s put around her is really been bringing everyone together.  It’s a whole school ‘win’ which everyone’s worked really hard for!”

She adds: “The children really impressed everyone during the Ofsted inspection.  We were extremely proud of them. They showed their values and shone through brightly to the inspectors.”

She also told us it’s a credit to the contractors onsite that the inspection went ahead unhindered despite major refurbishment work at the school – much of which dates from 1967.  Currently an upgrade to the building infrastructure is taking place at a cost of £1.18 million – to replace its flat roof covering and insulation, and improve its environmental performance.

The ‘Summer Fun Fest’ is one of the fundraising events organised by The Friends of James Peacock School.

The school’s ‘Summer Fun Fest’ event details for June 2024 are <<HERE<<

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