After the madness of the festive period, it’s quite likely you’ll want to de-stress a little. Maybe you’ll even need a bit of help re-focusing your life into 2020?
Ruddington mindfulness teacher Jakki Pritchard is now well established with her Tuesday evenings in the Old Chapel at the Framework Knitters’ Museum – where she’s already run five mindfulness courses. There’s now a sixth programme there, early in the New Year, which will be her seventh in our village.

Jakki says: “The Old Chapel is a perfect space to practice mindfulness, it has a peaceful and tranquil feel. The 8-week mindfulness course trains our ‘awareness’ of our thoughts, feelings and body sensations, helping us to choose how to respond, skilfully and calmly when life is difficult, rather than reacting automatically. We cannot get rid of stress or anxiety, but mindfulness changes how we relate to these feelings and our relationship to them. Leaving us feeling calmer and more contented. The course is proven to reduce stress by 40%, anxiety by 58% and depression by up to 50%. It is as effective as anti-depressants.”
Jakki is listed with the UK Mindfulness Network and Be Mindful, from the Mental Health Foundation. She explains that becoming a “listed” mindfulness teacher was extremely important to her, so that participants can rest assured what they are receiving is real – with her teaching and courses meeting the high standards and good practice guidelines set by the network.
Jakki adds: “The village support has been so wonderful and humbling. The last 8-week course in September was full. It is so rewarding to bring mindfulness to local residents. To be even a small part of helping people manage their mental health and wellbeing is wonderful.”
Jakki is running the usual FREE ‘taster session’ at the Framework Knitters’ Museum on Tuesday 14th January 2019 between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. For those who then wish to sign up to her next 8 week course, that starts on Tuesday 28th January and runs from 6.30pm to 8.15pm each week.
You can find out more by visiting, emailing or calling her on 07730187310.