WI Monthly Meeting & Music Workshop

There’ll be an Indian Music Workshop hosted by Ruddington Women’s Institute, where non-members and members are all encouraged to come along to its evening session.

Barbara Wheeler says: “Ruddington WI is in its 99th year and would like to welcome more local women to join us. Visitors are welcome and asked for a small contribution to cover refreshments, usually £4.”

This event is at the WI monthly meeting on Wednesday 11th October at 7.15pm in St Peter’s Rooms. 

St Peter’s Rooms

Ruddington WI has been around since 1924 – it has a friendly bunch of members and they’d love you to go along to meet them in person. The charity have speakers or activities- like gin tasting to Tai Chi –  as part of their meetings.

Ruddington WI promises you a warm welcome and there’ll be no pressure to join when you visit. ‘Try before you buy!’ If the WI suits you then you will be encouraged to join.

Pop along to this event or get in touch via its contact webpage >>HERE<<.

Disclaimer: RUDDINGTON.info publish all diary events in good faith and can’t be held responsible for any changes or cancellations of the activity. We run our calendar as a community service and details were correct at the time we promoted them, so advise you to contact the organiser before attending. Thanks.


11 Oct 2023


7:15 pm


St Peter's Rooms @ Church St, Ruddington, NG11 6HD
Ruddington Women's Institute


Ruddington Women's Institute