Whilst this week’s further easing of Coronavirus restrictions doesn’t yet allow for the reopening of Ruddington’s hospitality venues – or even non-essential retailers – it does mean the true meaning of Easter can be celebrated ‘face to face’ (albeit ‘socially distanced’) at our village churches this year.
Minister of Ruddington Methodist Church, Revd Nichola Jones, tells us the traditional building of the ‘Easter Cross’ of flowers in front of their building (pictured above) will be taking place this Saturday (3rd April): “Any gifts of flowers are warmly welcomed from 10am to 12noon. On Easter Sunday at 10.30am we have a celebration Easter service led by Mr Paul Johns – with full spacing and masks, please.” She adds: “On Tuesday April 6th the church is open for private prayer from 10am to midday, as usual.”

Vicar of St Peter’s Church, Revd Andrew Buchanan says: “After a year of ‘stay at home’ we’re delighted to able to offer many COVID-safe face to face services this year. There will be a Maundy Thursday service at 7pm and, of course, Easter Sunday celebrations at 9am and 11am (with the 9am service being live-streamed on St Peter’s Facebook and YouTube channels). We have just been told that, from Easter Sunday, we’re even going to be allowed to sing together outside! So weather permitting get ready to make a joyful noise! Everyone is welcome and will receive a warm (and safe) welcome!”
However, Revd Buchanan reveals the event he’s particularly excited about this year is St Peter’s Good Friday commemoration: “On Friday 2nd April we are planning to open our church building between 10am and 12 noon, to give everyone the opportunity to acknowledge their loss over the last year. We simply wanted to provide a safe space, to perhaps light a candle or to say a prayer to remember all that we have lost, whether that be loved-ones, livelihood or time with friends and family. There will also be an opportunity to tie a ribbon to the church railings (weather permitting) as an act of remembrance.”
Reverend Buchanan adds: “Easter is such a heartbreaking, joyous and hope-filled celebration – which just seems so appropriate for where we are now – and we simply want to give everyone the opportunity to join in.”

Ruddington’s Baptist Minister, Sam Hackett, says: “We would warmly welcome anyone who would like to join us in celebrating Easter this year. We have a number of events happening during Easter week. For Maundy Thursday we have put a DIY pack together for people to take part in a passover supper together, just as Jesus did with his disciples.” You can find all the details you’ll need to know on a special video >>HERE<< and the instructions to download for the ‘Seder Meal’ >>HERE<<. If you’d like to take part in this with others by Zoom you’re asked to email sam.hackett@ruddingtonbaptist.org.uk as soon as possible, please.
This Good Friday the Baptists are opening our building (The Hub at 62 Musters Road) as a space for private prayer and reflection between 10:30am-4pm. “This is a drop in event, numbers are limited to 5 people at a time and the building is COVID secure” reassures Revd Hackett. “Anyone is welcome to drop in and use the space. On Easter Saturday we have a quiet reflective Taize service on Zoom at 8pm and on Easter Sunday we will be gathering on zoom for a celebration service together at 10.30am.”
All Zoom links can be found through Ruddington Baptist Church‘s online calendar >>HERE<<. Highlights of the Easter Day service will also be put on their YouTube channel >>HERE<<.
Don’t forget Ruddington Village Market is also back on Easter Saturday. Details are >>HERE<<.