The Visitor Centre at Rushcliffe Country Park was the venue for another recent gathering on Rushcliffe Social Prescribing team’s ‘Friendship Calendar’ – aimed at engaging with local people to tackle social isolation.
Rushcliffe Borough Council‘s ‘Reach Rushcliffe’ initiative funded this free session in Ruddington last month, which was attended by over a dozen people. They learnt tips on how to paint using watercolours whilst meeting like-minded people and, hopefully, making some lasting friendships.
The one-off taster was hosted by village resident Debra Webster of Ruddington Art & Craft Society. as participants used a dippy pen and Indian ink with a watercolour wash over the top to create some beautiful landscapes. RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Transformation, Leisure and Wellbeing Cllr Jonathan Wheeler attended the water colour painting session (top photo) to experience the work of the Friendship Calendar in action.

Cllr Wheeler says: “The Friendship Calendar offers an excellent way of combatting social isolation and loneliness across Rushcliffe. It was great to see the water colour painting session taking place first hand and to meet the residents taking part who were really pleased to be trying out a new skill that they had never experienced before. The artwork produced was brilliant and our beautiful Rushcliffe Country Park offered the ideal space and views for the afternoon, with those taking part expressing their positive feedback at the surroundings.”
He adds: “The variety of sessions on offer throughout the year are so positive and varied and give residents a chance to form new friendships and try activities that they may not otherwise get involved in.”
As part of the Reach Rushcliffe project, RBC is continuing to invite town and parish councils, local groups and organisations to put forward proposals for setting up, sustaining or expanding projects that take innovative approaches to tackling loneliness within the Borough.

To find out more, and apply for funding, you can visit