Back in April we reported that Rushcliffe Borough Council had rejected plans to build 175 new homes on our Green Belt north of Asher Lane. The proposals (above) were lodged by land owners Space Foods Ltd in January after a previous application for 250 houses on the same site was withdrawn two years earlier.
Now Space Foods is appealing to the Planning Inspectorate against Rushcliffe Borough Council’s refusal in an attempt to get this decision reversed. This site was, in fact, originally included in its Local Plan Part 2 as an area called RUD7 – where the Green Belt might be rescinded for housing – but it did not make it onto the final shortlist of four preferred sites for a proposed 410 new homes in Ruddington.
Ruddington Parish Council submitted a representation objecting to the original application, based on the adverse impact that increased traffic in the Asher Lane area would have on our village as a whole. The Borough Council then rejected the application on 3 grounds:
1) Noise. The developers didn’t indicate how they would deal with the noise coming from the Premier Pets’ Hotel kennels and the impact this would have on residents.
2) Location. The site is located within the Green Belt, where development of the size proposed is felt to be inappropriate.
3) Traffic. The Borough Council objected on the same grounds as the Parish Council. It was felt that the developers hadn’t provided enough detail to effectively mitigate the potential traffic problems that the development would cause.
Ruddington residents’ groups and many individuals also spoke out in large numbers against the plans.
If you commented on the original planning application then your representation will automatically be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate to be considered as part of the appeal process.
If you didn’t have your say, or would like to amend or elaborate on your original comments, you can submit further information to The Planning Inspectorate until Thursday 7 December 2017. Just visit quoting reference APP/P3040/W/17/ 3185493.