As hundreds of visitors flocked to today’s festive Ruddington Village Market, its volunteer organisers learned they’d won a grant from Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) to make it even better next year! can reveal that Ruddington Village Centre Partnership (RVCP), which runs the monthly event on The Green, has been awarded ‘matched funding’ of £5,359 to purchase larger marquees for the market and other community events plus secure storage for equipment and rubber matting for pedestrian walkways.
The market was moved from its original venue of The White Horse onto the village green in July this year to enable the required ‘social distancing’ due to the Coronavirus outbreak. This new location has proved popular with both stall holders and visitors. However, it has led to concerns about a lack of suitable shelter and that the most trodden grassy areas may become muddy during wet winter weather, so extra money to address this will be welcomed. The grant can be used to pay up to 50% of the total cost.
Among the increasing amount of equipment which now needs to be stored between markets is new hand sanitiser stations – in use for the very first time today – which are in addition to all the new signage and separator cones reminding market goers to keep their distance whilst they queue at stalls and walk around The Green.
Ruddington Village Market is one of 27 community projects across the county to receive matched funding worth more than £250,000 as part of the latest round of Nottinghamshire County Council ‘Local Improvement Scheme’ (LIS). This initiative aims to help local communities to be more vibrant and sustainable by providing grants to local organisations which seek to make a difference in the local community and contribute towards making Nottinghamshire an even better place to live, work and visit – particularly in light of these difficult times.

Councillor John Handley, Vice Chairman of NCC’s Communities & Place Committee, says: “I’m delighted that we have been able to approve a further 27 projects for this latest round of funding, bringing the total up to 97. We continue to make a significant investment in this non-statutory scheme despite facing such unexpected and challenging circumstances this year. Projects which meet the LIS criteria and have full match-funding already in place have been approved, meaning they are ‘ready to go’, beyond any unavoidable delays arising from the current restrictions.”
Cllr Handley adds: “Unallocated money from the LIS fund will be transferred to the Council’s reserves, which are vital as we deal with the ongoing pressures on our services caused by the pandemic. Our separate COVID-19 Community Fund, which provides urgent support to the fantastic work being carried out by charities, voluntary groups and faith groups to help residents, is still open and supporting local groups as they continue to respond to exceptional challenges.”
RVCP welcomes the news but says it’s unable to comment on this Council funding until it receives official, written confirmation. Nevertheless, this cash for new equipment is the second piece of great news for them this week – after its volunteers learned on Tuesday that the popular monthly market has just won the 2020 Celebrating Rushcliffe Award for ‘Business of the Year’ for the second year running!

The usual ‘Ruddington Christmas Fayre’ on High Street was cancelled this year over concerns about COVID-19 safety, and the decision to extend today’s market was partly to compensate for that. Village centre shops and hospitality businesses reported a busy Saturday as a result – though the latter could only serve takeways due to ‘Tier 3’ restrictions.
Despite the very wet weather yesterday, then a brief shower early this morning, the winter sun shone brightly for most of today’s December market on The Green, so conditions were ideal for those catching up with Christmas and grocery shopping in a bigger, more COVID-secure outdoor environment. The large number of people turning up did lead to some residents expressing concerns about the event, though.
Carl Bamford comments: “Tier 3? COVID restrictions? Seriously, haven’t seen the village this busy since the last RuddFest” whilst David Hall remarks: “Where was the SOCIAL DISTANCING? The Market was just like an ants’ nest!”
However, Gary says: “Absolutely fabulous to see Ruddington so lively this morning. Another amazing Ruddington Market helping to keep our High Street alive. Well done to all involved!” Sarah Jones agrees: “The market was amazing today! So well organised. Thanks so much to the team!”
Despite the good attendance the grass did hold up reasonably well this time – and now has two months to recover before the next one. This will be on Saturday February 6th 2021 – and will also mark Ruddington Village Market’s second birthday.
Meantime you can view a slideshow of today’s busy and festive December Market below.
Read about other festive but ‘socially distanced ‘events this Christmas in Ruddington >>HERE<<.