Almost a year after plans were first submitted, permission has been granted by Rushcliffe Borough Council for another 28 new homes in Ruddington.
The latest housing development at the corner of Brookside Road and Woodhouse Gardens will see the demolition of the current Malmic Lace factory building and two existing houses on the site. All but four of the new homes to be built there will be accessed via a single route off Brookside Road.
During the consultation process some local residents had objected to the plans – mainly on the basis of increased traffic and parking along an already congested route. The new estates at Woodhouse Gardens and Silk Gardens have recently added to the number of vehicles using Camelot Street – which already took traffic from around a hundred long established homes along Brookside Road, Brookside Gardens, Fairham Close and Grange Avenue. Also, the new and old estates will all have to share the existing, single Camelot Street access entering and exiting the busy Clifton Road junction.

Nevertheless, after several revisions, Dwell Developments has now had its application accepted – subject to a Section 106 agreement – and must begin construction within three years. Meantime it is understood that Malmic Lace has asked for nine months grace – to relocate its factory elsewhere!
The full plans for “Lace Gardens” can be viewed on the Rushcliffe Borough Council Planning Website – Reference Number 15/01793/FUL.