Ruddington’s traffic problems are always a controversial subject.
Long standing gripes such as continuing to allow parking on Dutton’s Hill were supplemented last year with outrage caused by the unexpected permission for 175 new houses off Asher Lane – possibly leading to traffic lights on High Street. Most recently we’ve seen the controversial approval of residents-only parking for most of Charles Street and Parkyns Street during village shopping hours. Even roads around our Business Park are now due to be to be decorated with a mass of double yellow lines.
Add to these issues the spectre of the further 350 Green Belt houses for Ruddington in Rushcliffe’s Local Plan Part 2. Most of these will be built rather more than a comfortable walking distance from our village centre and many also without a convenient bus service. So it’s understandable that questions are being asked about where the heck everyone is supposed to park?
That’s even before you start considering the extra traffic congestion issues which will be created by thousands of additional houses being built at nearby settlements – with Ruddington serving as a shortcut for many drivers.
Ruddington Parish Council has announced it is looking for village residents who might like to get together to address these concerns – and whether there may be short term answers as well as solutions that could take a few years to put in place.

Councillor Ian Wilson is one of those behind the new initiative: “Any discussion on improving Ruddington soon leads to the topic of parking. The conversations also include use of the village by HGVs and cyclists. How easy is getting around the village especially with buggies, mobility aids and wheelchairs” says Ian. “Do we need more pedestrian crossings, a one way system, permits or a pay and display? How do we make sure that there are safe and clear routes to all parts of the village for getting to the centre, schools and our green spaces?”
It’s hoped this new group could help build on recent initiatives by the Ruddington Village Centre Partnership to encourage people to spend more time in the Village, meet others and shop locally – such as the Ruddington Loyalty Card Scheme and our new, monthly Village Market.
Ian asks: “If you have the time, energy and willingness to explore a range of options then the Parish Council is looking for volunteers to join a small working group to develop the detail of how we make moving around the village work better for us all.”
If you’re interested, please contact Ruddington Parish Council office with a brief comment on what you care about and what you can contribute. You can email or ‘phone 0115 914 6660 during usual office hours.