Call-out! ‘Celebration of Talent’

Ruddington’s Got Talent? This is an opportunity to showcase your act – maybe a specific musical or theatrical skill – on Friday 17th November (timings to be confirmed by the organiser). ‘Celebration of Talent’ will be at St Peter’s Church and no auditions are required! This is usually open to the  congregation and this year they’d like to invite anyone in the village to join in. If you’d like to share your short performance – like a song, dance, poetry or any creative act – please do email your interest or get in touch…

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Ruddington’s Own Gene Kelly!

An award-winning, young performer from Ruddington pays homage to one of the Hollywood greats in a new video – by literally following in his footsteps from the 1952 musical film ‘Singing in’ in the Rain’. Twenty year-old Louis Gaunt from our village is currently appearing in the musical “Gypsy” at Manchester’s Royal Exchange Theatre. As a fun, side-project he and fellow cast member Alastair Crosswell learnt the ‘Moses Supposes’ tap dance routine performed in the classic movie by Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor. The video production team tracked down clothing and props…

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