The closure of Thomas’s Greengrocer’s in Ruddington seems to have prompted an unprecedented wave of concern for the future of our unique, village centre shops.
When it was revealed on Easter Saturday that the sixty year old family company had gone into liquidation, and would cease trading the very same day, hundreds turned up on High Street in person and chatted to some of the eight members of shocked staff who were set to suddenly lose their jobs. Literally thousands more people visited and Ruddington social media to search out the details – and to ask if there was any way this historic and much loved shop and its workers could be saved.
Because for so many decades this business has brought life, colour and an unrivalled choice of produce (and plants) to Ruddington’s High Street, there was an air of disbelief among villagers. June Brinkworth’s sentiments echoed those of so many: “Such sad news! I’m really going to miss shopping here. I used it for all my fruit and veg. Great quality, great prices and guaranteed banter thrown in for free! You will all be greatly missed. Such a tragedy for Ruddington.” Many residents, like Shirley Deighton, are still wondering WHY? “How can this have happened? Always so busy. Such sad news. Really feel for the loyal staff.”
Following the closure, Rob Mascari of Mascari Kitchens took the top photograph of an almost deserted Ruddington High Street last Thursday. He comments: “Urgent action is needed. This is the High Street at 10.00am this morning. Just a few years ago you would have struggled to make your way through.” The fact that his scene includes FOUR empty shop units (below) which were previously occupied by Grange Bakery, Barclays Bank, Thomas’s and the Barclay & Cook convenience store illustrates the current problem all too graphically.
Ruddington Parish Council has become so worried about the situation that it has written today to the managers of all our other village centre traders offering its support. The letter reads: “The Parish Council has heard, with concern, news of the unexpected closure of G Thomas Ltd, the greengrocers. Our Councillors have been contacted by local businesses, residents and visitors to Ruddington all wanting to see if anything can be done by the Parish Council to prevent the further decline of our village centre. The Parish Council would like to hear from you if there is anything that we can assist with or whether you have any ideas to increase the footfall in the village or to improve the local offering to residents and visitors to Ruddington. Please contact us by writing to or emailing the Parish Office. We are interested in your views and ideas, big or small.”

Not only that, but RPC’s Chairman Allen Wood has called an Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to take place THIS Thursday 12th April at 7.30pm in St Peter’s Rooms to discuss the impact the closure of Thomas’s may have on local businesses and footfall within the village – and what action the Parish Council might take. The link to the meeting agenda is >>HERE<<.
Villager A Davis urges people to attend, saying: “There’s a fightback and everyone local, literally everyone, is a soldier in the battle. People have to understand that if they care about the village they should spend as much of their money as possible in local businesses – that is the very strong message that has to go out to people: shop local – use it or lose it – and a lot more besides!”
Meantime, over a week later, we’re still none the wiser about the future of Thomas’s. It’s known that several parties in Ruddington are now interested in taking over this popular (and previously successful) business. Former shop manager Ian Whittaker told us: “I would willingly offer my advice to anyone seriously considering opening a Greengrocer’s in the village.” However, so far, No 2 High Street is apparently not up for sale…
As soon as we find out more here at we’ll let you know!