It seems that plans to bring a SPAR Convenience Store to Dutton’s Hill in Ruddington have been abandoned at the eleventh hour.
Agents for the Dutch retailer announced previously that a new franchise would open at 12-14 Wilford Road on March 3rd 2021 – swiftly filling the gap left by our Sainsbury’s Local, which had closed just a month before. Although that launch deadline was missed, the SPAR exterior signage went up a couple of weeks later – even including the store’s opening times and facilities – indicating that all was still on track but just a little behind schedule.
After another long pause has now learned officially from AF Blakemore & Son Retail – which oversees 275 SPAR convenience stores across England and Wales – that: “…the site in Ruddington will no longer be joining SPAR therefore will not be opening under the SPAR Fascia.” The statement adds: “Sorry for any inconvenience caused.”
Villagers will have to continue speculating and wait to see what happens next. Strangely, the Innes England “To Let/May Sell” sign on the building has never been taken down – whilst the property agent’s website still indicates that it is “Under Offer”. Certainly, given the asking price of £55,000 per annum to rent, whichever business moves in to Grice’s historic premises next will need to be confident of having sufficient turnover and profit to balance the books. Unknown activity was spotted there yesterday teatime (8th May) – reportedly involving three men with a white van and the shop shutters opened. Therefore it’s hoped the premises won’t be standing empty for too much longer, albeit not opening as a SPAR.

Of course, as soon as we hear any further news on the situation we’ll report it here. Meantime, if you have any inside information, please do contact us >>HERE<< or via our Facebook page.