With another spell of fine weather forecast, Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) is reminding parents and guardians that ALL its play areas are CLOSED until further notice due to the Coronavirus lockdown.
These are at Elms Park, Sellors’ Playing Field (above), Vicarage Lane Playing Field (below) and St Mary’s Community Park. Although taking your kids out for daily exercise is encouraged, RPC says: “There have been reports that parents are allowing their children to play on the equipment and play areas. Please can everyone observe social distancing.”
In fairness, there is currently a distinct lack of warning notices at these sites. However, RPC stresses that it’s important youngsters don’t use the play equipment, due to the risk of spreading the virus. Even if children from different households aren’t playing together, experts believe COVID-19 can survive and remain infectious on hard surfaces for quite long periods of time – even outside. Consequently there’s a danger of your kids picking it up on their hands from someone else who has caught it.
The same ‘no access’ restrictions apply to the gym equipment at Rushcliffe Country Park – which has now been covered over by the Borough Council – in addition to officials padlocking its children’s play area after it was closed by Coronavirus last month.

The ‘Education Centre’ at our Country Park is also closed, whilst RPC has shut all its buildings in response to the pandemic, in line with Government instructions. This means that all events and room hire bookings in St Peter’s Rooms, Ruddington Village Hall, The Jubilee Clubhouse and Elms Park Pavilion are cancelled until further notice.
Parish Council meetings have been suspended, too – whilst officials wait to see if legislation will be changed to allow for ‘virtual’ meetings instead. Currently these are not allowed. If you need to speak to a Councillor in the meantime, you’ll find most have contact details on RPC’s website >>HERE<< – otherwise you can get in touch with them via the main office.

The Parish Council Office remains operational but is CLOSED to the public, so you’re asked NOT to visit St Peter’s Rooms, please. Instead you can call them on 0115 914 6660 between 9.30am and 12.30pm, Monday to Friday, or email office@ruddingtonparishcouncil.gov.uk.