Few weeks seem to pass by these days without at least one set of roadworks potentially causing delays to traffic in and around Ruddington – and there are THREE sets of work to be aware of from this Monday.
Villagers down Asher Lane are likely to be disrupted by Severn Trent Water pipe renewal from Monday 4th to Thursday 7th March at its junction with Musters Road {see top image courtesy of roadworks.org}. This will require three-way, 24 hour temporary traffic lights – meaning Musters Road residents may wish to consider access to their homes by Distillery Street and Sandhurst Drive during this period.
Drivers are also being warned of two sets of work on Loughborough Road requiring temporary two-way signals. The first is scheduled just for this Monday – when Severn Trent hopes to repair and reset a manhole cover in the carriageway just north of the junction with Kirk Lane. The second lot of work will by by Nottinghamshire County Council Highways and take up to 3 days – to erect a new lighting column near the entrance to Easthorpe House.

Of course, work is weather dependent so may be subject to rescheduling or delays. Please keep an eye out on RUDDINGTON.info for any updates.