We’re being invited to share our views on the Framework Knitters’ Museum expansion proposals – for a chance to win £100. The Ruddington tourist attraction is inviting you to have your say on its “emerging development plans that are set to transform the site as we know it today”.
It says the aim is to deliver new displays and exhibitions along with an improved visitor route connecting the three spaces and offering better retail and catering facilities.
After the museum received initial National Lottery support for its redevelopment and expansion project called ‘A Right Good Yarn’ the team says it’s busy developing ideas and is keen to get feedback from the local community. As part of the consultation process, the museum is running an online survey for local people and community groups to complete.

“The Framework Knitters’ Museum is a unique, surviving example of a 19th century framework knitters’ yard, which tells the story of framework knitting from inception to obsolescence” says the museum’s Curator, Jim Grevatte. “By getting involved in “A Right Good Yarn”, you’ll be helping to actively shape a site that will benefit people and groups from our local area (and beyond) for generations to come.”
To further raise awareness, the project team is running a stall at this Saturday’s Ruddington Village Market (3rd August 2019) from 9am to 12.30pm where you can pick up a paper copy of the survey. You’ll be able to find out more about the museum’s aspirations and how to get involved. The Framework Knitters’ Museum’s five minute survey is also available online >>HERE<<.

The survey is open until Sunday the 25th of August 2019. One lucky person who’s completed it will then be picked at random to win the cash prize of £100.