A group of Ruddington residents is calling on Rushcliffe Borough Councillors to reject plans to build 180 houses on an area of our village Green Belt (RUD1) because it includes a covenanted recreation ground which is also registered as an Asset of Community Value.
RUD1 to the west of Wilford Road, which contains the community space, is one of the sites being recommended in RBC’s latest “Local Plan Part 2: Preferred Housing Sites” document. (Please click >>HERE<< for the background). As reported on RUDDINGTON.info last week, a cabinet meeting at Rushcliffe Arena TONIGHT will provisionally decide which of fourteen earmarked sites in Ruddington will be removed from our Green Belt – in order to accommodate a suggested FOUR HUNDRED new homes.
Just over two years’ ago a village campaign group calling itself Protect Ruddington came together in response to an initial threat of housing in the same area – including on Sellors’ Recreation Ground. They successfully located Roger Sellors, the grandson of Frederick William Sellors (who originally gifted the land to our village) who then wrote to current guardians Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) to ask them to respect the covenant.
The Ruddington Community Association (RCA) was formed at around the same time and members successfully registered Sellors’ Playing Field as an Asset of Community Value with Rushcliffe Borough Council in November 2015. This would mean any decision by Ruddington Parish Council to sell it would give RCA time to bid for the asset by triggering a moratorium for six months – allowing them a chance to raise the money to purchase it back on behalf of village residents.
Now Ruddington’s Rushcliffe Borough Councillors Martin Buckle, Jean Greenwood and John Lungley have revealed that they will have no say at tonight’s RBC meeting about rescinding our Green Belt. They are unable to speak or vote because all decisions will be made only by the five members of the Cabinet.
Councillor Buckle told us: “We understand the concerns which have been raised regarding the covenanted land at Sellors’ Field, defending the greenbelt, preserving the character of the village, traffic implications and the pressure on local services. The meeting being held on 12 September is the Cabinet, at which none of us has a vote. The Council has been challenged to deliver more than 13,000 new homes by 2028. Some other wards – for example Edwalton (Sharp Hill) and East Leake, have already seen the planning and construction of many out of this quota. Your councillors in Ruddington have already been successful in helping to challenge several large scale planning applications. We will continue to work with our councillor colleagues at RBC to find the most appropriate solution for Ruddington.”
Councillor Greenwood suggests villagers with concerns about tonight should ASAP instead directly contact any of the five members of the RBC Cabinet who’ll be making the key decisions.
RCA has now sent a letter directly to these councillors, who are:-
“I have been asked to write to you on behalf of the Ruddington Community Association regarding the meeting, this Tuesday, on the future of the Green Belt in Rushcliffe.
We would ask you as one of our local councillors to speak out against taking away part of our Green Belt and undermining our village identity.
Ruddington Community Association”

Members of the public can also attend tonight’s RBC Cabinet meeting – Tuesday the 12th of September, starting at 7.00 pm in the Council Chamber at Rushcliffe Arena – although it is not thought they, nor any other councillors, will be permitted to speak.
We will post the decisions of the meeting with regard to Ruddington’s Green Belt on RUDDINGTON.info as soon as they are known. So please watch this space!