Did you know Ruddington Parish Council has a new ‘Tree Planting Working Group’? It’s been formed to improve biodiversity and create spaces for nature within our village.
Long before the announcement earlier this month about ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’ to mark her Platinum Jubilee, Councillors Graham Fletcher, Holly Law, Leo Lanzoni, Ken Piggott and Chloe Lewington had already decided to put their efforts into making Ruddington a more attractive place to live and work – although most of their own activities are limited to Parish Council land or property.
Recently, the working group planted trees in the open space off Vicarage Lane (top photo) with one of Ruddington’s Tree Wardens, Geoff East. Geoff had been given the trees free of charge by Rushcliffe Borough Council. After the ground was prepared, they then sowed wildflower seeds around the trees, with these also being donated by the Borough Council.
{Pictured from left to right above: Councillor Lanzoni, Councillor Piggott, Geoff East and Councillor Fletcher. PHOTO: by Mandy Fletcher who also assisted with the planting.}
The latest Royal drive to encourage people across the UK to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee”, to mark Her Majesty’s 70 years on the throne in 2022, may now serve to boost this village initiative. The scheme urges “everyone from individuals to Scout and Girlguiding groups, villages, cities, counties, schools and corporates” to plant trees during the official planting season, which runs from October to March.
If you think there’s further Ruddington Parish Council owned open space which might benefit from tree or wild flower planting – perhaps you’d even like to help out yourself – you can make contact via office@ruddingtonparishcouncil.gov.uk.