Following the success of the inaugural event in the summer of 2016, it’s been revealed there’s to be a second “Ruddington Open Gardens” event in June this year – which organisers hope will be even bigger and better.
The date for the 2018 event is to be the weekend of 23rd/24th June, and all proceeds will again be shared between the charities Save the Children and Action for Children.

Organiser Jane Piggott says: “If any Ruddington residents would like to open their gardens this time, please contact me as soon as possible. Your garden doesn’t have to be big or splendid – we are not looking for prize-winning exhibits, just pleasant gardens that visitors will enjoy wandering around. In fact, last time, some of the most popular gardens were among the smallest. Even a display of hanging baskets at the front of the house would make a welcome addition to the programme!”
Two years’ ago – as well as many Ruddington gardens and allotments being welcoming in the public – there were was a free children’s treasure hunt, stalls selling plants, produce, cakes, books & refreshments, a village photo quiz, live music, children’s face painting and the Framework Knitters’ Museum “Knitted Garden”. Depending upon who gets involved this time, it’s hoped some or all of these attractions may return this summer – and even more money raised for these two children’s charities.
Jane asks: “If any other village organisations (Brownies, Cubs, WI or church groups, etc) would like to be involved, in whatever way, please do let me know. We want to make this a truly village-wide affair!”
If you would like to open your garden, run a stall, or participate in any other way, you’re encouraged to email Jane as soon as possible on please – or make contact via the Ruddington Parish Council Office.