Although pupils will be able to stay in class during the Government’s new, national COVID-19 ‘lockdown’ from Thursday, the Coronavirus has already had a noticeable impact at one of our village schools this week.
Other than for those entitled to free school meals, parents and guardians of children at St Peter’s Junior School have been asked to provide packed lunches for their kids after its kitchen was closed.
It followed an email from the Ruddington school on Monday advising that a member of staff had tested positive for COVID-19. Although asymptomatic, the member of staff had been taking part in a medical research project and so was being routinely tested for the Coronavirus. As that member of staff was in the building on Monday, the school heeded safety advice from Public Health England to close its kitchen as a precaution. Fortunately, no pupils have had to self isolate as a result, and so classes have continued as usual.
However, on hearing the children there wouldn’t get a hot lunch – either this week or next – Ruddington Fish Bar owner Demetrios Lawton came to the rescue! He has offered to provide FREE fish and chips (or a vegetarian option) for all St Peter’s pupils for these next two Fridays.

“My son is a pupil at St Peter’s School so, when we received the email regarding their kitchen closure, it fell close to home” explains Demetrios. “Also we realise that, under current circumstances, this could quite easily happen to any one of us over the next few months. These are testing times for all of us and if we can all do something small, to turn a negative into a positive, it will make our village a much happier place to live and work.”
This Friday our local chippy will be delivering just under 300 meals. “We see the strength of our community spirit with all our village traders rushing to help each other over the last few weeks, If we also mirror that strength into our community it will only make us stronger” continues Demetrios, who also stepped up recently to offer a hot meal for any Ruddington child who receives a free school meal during the autumn half term.
The school’s Head Teacher, Michael Bradley says: “During these difficult times, we continue to be overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity shown by the community of Ruddington. Despite the imminent second lockdown, Ruddington Fish Bar has shown that there are still reasons to be hopeful and optimistic.”
He adds: “Once again, it proves that when people come together, great things can happen!”