Ruddington’s Festive Snow

It’s not very frequently we get snow within the ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ in our part of the East Midlands. However, villagers awoke to the first significant snowfall of the winter this morning – much to the delight of our younger residents.

As the photographs above taken by Sarah Godfrey demonstrate, Ruddington was ready! Perkins Hardware was open bright and early and doing a roaring trade in sledges, 6 year-old Edwin was out in front of St Peter’s Rooms’ Christmas display building ‘Jerry’ the snowman, whilst our new shopping precinct ‘The Courtyard’ was looking very festive indeed.

The covering wasn’t enough to cause much disruption, and it didn’t last long, once the sun came out and speeded up the thaw. However, a slideshow of more snow shots captured by and others earlier today can be viewed below….

If you’ve any further photographs of Ruddington covered in the white stuff today, which you’d like to add add to our collection in return for a credit, please message them to @RUDDINGTON_info on Twitter or via Facebook. Thank you.

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