There’s been quite a rush of Ruddington traders shifting locations in recent years. Now our historic chemist’s shop is planning to do likewise!
Evans Pharmacy has re-applied for permission to construct larger, purpose built premises at 11 Charles Street with revised plans drawn up by Nottingham’s Allan Joyce Architects. If given the go-ahead it would mean the erection of a brand new state-of-the-art building for use of as a pharmacy – filling in the gap between the existing house and the back of Ruddington Library – plus the conversion of one room of the old property to a consulting area. A new car parking area would also be included at the rear.
It follows the rebranding of our long established Ruddington shop from Manor Pharmacy to Evans Pharmacy last November – although the ownership and management stayed the same.

It’s believed the new building is needed to give the pharmacy more space, better facilities and increased security. It would also be closer to both Ruddington’s doctors’ surgeries for patients needing to pick up prescriptions. However, with four other shop units on High Street already lying empty at the moment, the planned move away may not be welcomed by some shoppers and other village traders.
You can view the full pharmacy plans >>HERE<<. The application number is 17/01185/FUL.
Any public comments on the proposed building must be received by Rushcliffe Council planners by Saturday the 1st of July 2017.