Deluge Hits Ruddington!

Severe thunderstorms sweeping across the region, bringing with them violent, torrential rain, have caused flash flooding in our village centre along with other residential streets in Ruddington.

The heaviest rain began just after 5pm – when many drains were simply unable to cope with the massive deluge. Within minutes High Street was underwater – as shown by these residents and traders’ photographs and a video taken by Andy Heath of The Frame Breakers. The problem for shopkeepers was initially aggravated by traffic continuing to drive along the road, causing waves of water to lap up against some shop fronts – until Andy found some traffic cones to temporarily close off the road and prevent additional flooding.

Ricky Benwell watched in disbelief as water flowed through the door of his new Benwell Daykin estate agency office – whilst other traders are still en route to assess possible damage to their own shops. Amazed resident Helen Marriott says: “I’ve lived in Rudd 67 years and never known it to flood like this.” Jean Bickley found herself stranded: “I got stuck in a car today with my daughter. The water was rising up so we had to get out. I have never been in anything like this before – the water was just below my knee and the car had given up!”

However, Guy Phethean from the former chemist’s shop on High Street says flooding here is NOT unprecedented: “The last time it happened was the summer of 1981. I remember the floor of my dad’s shop being just under the water line, but we stayed open and even got deliveries!”

Liz Bentley comments: “So sorry for all the businesses, especially at such a difficult time.” Paula Wells agrees: “These poor businesses, not been able to operate for months, and now flooded. They are going to need locals’ support more than ever now.”

Elsewhere, there was misery at new village distillery Ruddy Fine Gin, with owner Cheryl Stretton reporting floodwater entering their newly refurbished premises. Some residential streets in Ruddington were hit, too, with flood water reported on Wilford Road, Shaw Street, Westerham Road, Sellars Avenue and the Brookside Road estate. Alistair Kershaw posted: “My garage is flooded and loads of stuff ruined in there. Very frustrating. Sorry for all those who have suffered worse or had it in the house.”

Rushcliffe Borough Councillor, Jennifer Walker, Tweeted: “Rudd’s High Street has suffered another devastating blow this evening. But the Chippy kept serving, despite having to stand in water, and shop keepers, pub landlords and residents were out in force helping the clean up. I URGE you to support your local shops in these difficult times.”

We’ll bring you updates at as we get them. Please feel free share any further photos of the flooding with us >>HERE<<. Thanks to those whose images we’ve already included.

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