There’ll be a brand new way of finding your faith in Ruddington next month – with another virtual initiative from St Peter’s Church.
Whilst its services have already been available online for quite some time, due to the Coronavirus ‘lockdown’, this is the first time its ten week Alpha Course will be available to ‘attend’ from home via Zoom.
Alpha Online Coordinator, Dorothy Houghton, explains: “Though COVID-19 restrictions are easing, people still are wary about getting together with others. Alpha Online is safe. The beauty of it is that there’s no limit to the number of guests and also, we might have friends and relatives who live outside Ruddington who can attend. There is also no babysitting issue, and people can relax in the comfort of their own homes not having to rush out for a 7.30 start in the centre of Ruddington!”
Enrolling on the course is FREE and the content will be exactly the same as the traditional Alpha Course. It will run primarily on Thursday evenings from April 15th – with one Saturday morning session along the way: “The format of a typical evening is: a friendly chat to start, to know one another a bit more – for those who want to chat. It’s not compulsory!” laughs Dorothy. “Then we all watch a 20 minute video on some aspect of Christianity before we split up into groups to discuss anything from the video, or anything else faith related, which a guest might want to discuss. It’s a very relaxed evening which most people get a lot from and look forward to the following week.”
You can get more information by emailing or ‘phoning 07376 594 061, and enrol >>HERE<<.

Dorothy continues: “There are a lot of hurting people out there – people who have lost loved ones, lonely people, people with questions. The Alpha Online Course is for anyone who can do Zoom! It’s for people with some faith, no faith, agnostic, atheist; people with questions about a God who promises He will always unconditionally love us”.
She adds: “Many former guests have had a ‘Eureka’ moment after or during the 10 week course. I’ve seen many lives changed.”