The distinctive premises of a former Ruddington beverage vending machine supplier would be turned into residential accommodation under plans submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC).
Allen Vending ceased trading from our village after rival company GEM Vending acquired the Ruddington company in September 2018 and moved all its operations to Langley Mill. Now an application’s been submitted on behalf of Robert Allen for its old site at the corner of High Street and Kirk Lane to be converted into five flats. Under proposals by Tan Designs Ltd this will mean alterations to the buildings including partial demolition of existing more modern extensions and the erection of new two storey and single extensions. It’s been confirmed J.P. Lettings will be able to remain at the corner (the site of Ruddington’s former Police Station) with the property management company’s office and first floor ‘Business Room’ unaffected by the proposals – which relate purely to the premises formerly occupied by Allen Vending. However, staff believe they would lose their onsite parking spaces.

The 27, High Street building, adjoined to the south by Ruddington Conservative Club, would be converted to two 1 bedroomed flats, one on each floor (Flats 3 and 5). The building on Kirk Lane would be converted to two 2 storey units, each with 2 bedrooms (Flats 1 and 2), and a first floor 2 bedroomed flat at the rear of the site (Flat 4). The boundary wall between the site and Conservative Club would be raised in height to prevent overlooking where windows directly face each other. Part of the ground floor of the Kirk Lane building would be opened up onto the existing car park to provide four parking spaces for its residents. (This means, presumably, one of the new flats would not have its own dedicated parking space.)

You can view all the documents associated with this redevelopment proposal >>HERE<<.
Comments on this application 19/02024/FUL are also being welcomed via RBC’s planning portal >>HERE<< by the deadline of Wednesday Oct 30th 2019.
*UPDATE MON 6th JAN 2020:
These proposals have now been withdrawn by Zenith Planning and Design after a planning refusal looked likely.
This is primarily on the grounds that the loss of employment potential cannot not be justified under the terms of the recently adopted Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2 because the site is deemed viable for business re-occupation rather than the proposed residential use.
There were also objections to the plans from three members of the public, Ruddington Parish Council and two of Ruddington’s Borough Councillors concerned about:
- The lack of enough on-site parking for the proposed properties and the lack of off-street parking nearby
- The entry and egress from the parking provided being unsafe in terms of highway safety
- The proposed traffic lights due to be introduced adjacent to the site as part of the conditions for the new Asher Lane development
- The proposed design being inappropriate within the Ruddington Conservation Area.
If and when these plans are revised and re-submitted to RBC we’ll let you know soonest at
(Our thanks to Craig Baum for flagging up this planning withdrawal.)