In the first event of its kind for our village, there should be laughs-a-plenty this weekend when one of The Bard’s humorous works receives an ‘al fresco’ performance.
This Saturday, 16th July, Nottingham Shakespeare Company is presenting ‘The Comedy of Errors’ on our village green as part of a short, summer tour. It’s being staged there courtesy of Ruddington Parish Council and there are no tickets or admission fee. We can simply turn up!
Director, Michelle-Louise Wright explains: “Our mission is to bring brilliant and accessible Shakespeare to everyone, especially newcomers, by making all our performances absolutely free to attend, having a 90-minute running time, and playing all over Nottingham. This is Shakespeare the comedian at his best and I am thrilled to be working with an ensemble of energetic and exciting actors.”

For those not familiar with the ‘The Comedy of Errors’ storyline, it starts with Aegeon of Syracuse, arriving in the port of Ephesus, being arrested and facing death. He is seeking his son Antipholous and his servant Dromio, both missing on a quest to find their long-lost twin brothers. But since Syracusians are arrested on sight, they have disguised themselves as locals – with hilarious results!
Michelle adds: “It’s particularly great when you see the audience, from young children to grandparents, from all walks of life, laughing and even singing along and forgetting that they ever thought Shakespeare was hard work!”
With perfect summer weather forecast, all we need to do this weekend is grab a picnic blanket or camping chair, a bottle of fizz and some sausage rolls, and join Nottingham Shakespeare Company on The Green – Saturday July 16th at 5pm.