Ruddington’s Ready for the Riders!

This morning, Britain’s Sir Bradley Wiggins, Geraint Thomas and Chris Froome are set to be among 120 of the world’s elite cyclists racing through our village in the much anticipated OVO Energy “Tour of Britain”.

Although they will whizz through in a matter of minutes, preparations by Councils, local residents and businesses on Stage Seven of the route have been ongoing for months! Ruddington’s community spirit certainly seems to have come to the fore as young and old in our village have pulled together preparing to celebrate the big day – from the initial planning meetings through to the traditional yellow bikes, handmade decorations and even creating a big knitted scarf several hundred feet long to put on display.

Yellow smiley faces were decided upon as Ruddington’s key theme and, thanks to the Parish Council’s Event’s Team, dozens of large smiley flags can now be seen flying from traders’ Christmas tree brackets throughout the village. Most recently they’ve sourced air horns, bicycle bells and “yellow hair” from Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club to hand out on the day. Some householders have even created their own welcome signs and banners to cheer along the riders – which will be in with a very good chance of appearing “live” on ITV4 and being seen by a global audience of millions. It seems Ruddington is ready!

It’s anticipated hundreds of visitors will descend upon our village to catch a glimpse of the cyclists and make some noise. Ruddington’s cafes are expected to be packed whilst some of our pubs have been taking race day breakfast bookings for weeks and even organised special entertainment. Street parking will be exceptionally limited on all village roads (and prohibited on both sides of the route from 8am to 4pm) so visiting drivers are being asked to park at Vision Express, Ruddington Fields Business Park and walk into the centre. Alternatively NCT’s frequent Navy 3 or Green 10 buses will be the best option for some to get here and back.

Find full details of all timings on the day and a map of the route >>HERE<<.

You can whet your appetite further by enjoying more pictures of Ruddington’s Tour of Britain preparations below. Now it’s fingers crossed for the weather?!

To find all of our Tour of Britain related news stories please click >>HERE<<.


We’re pleased to report that the peloton passed through Ruddington greeted noisily by hundreds of local and visiting spectators without incident….

…even at the High Street/Kirk Lane corner!

Thanks to all those who shared their videos and photos with us and well done to everyone who made such a great effort welcoming the elite riders!

You can see more Ruddington Tour of Britain shots taken by professional photographer Derek McAllister >>HERE<<.

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