In an era where co-option has become the norm to get new representatives onto Ruddington Parish Council, for February’s by-election to fill the vacant Camelot Ward post there are no less than THREE candidates standing!
After Friday’s deadline, RPC revealed that nomination papers were received from prospective councillors Yvonne Lishman, Mark Pinks and Ian Wilson. asked the three nominees to have their say about the village issues which are most important to them. This is what they told us:

“I’ve lived in Camelot Ward for 30 years and have seen Ruddington expand considerably in that time. I’d love to work alongside village residents on concerns they have with village matters, ranging from dog mess on the pavements to the increasing demands placed on the village infrastructure and facilities by its expansion. I’m keen to improve leisure amenities for all members of our lovely community, especially for the youth of the village where facilities are missing.
I’m concerned with environmental issues and am opposed to any building on green belt land. I‘d like to see a halt to heavy traffic cutting through our village to and from the A453 and would like to see further improvements in village parking.”

“I am an IT professional who has lived and worked in Ruddington since 2005. My partner and I have three children, one of whom attended both village schools. I am a governor at St Peter’s, where I also established an after-school computer club, and am a volunteer at the local NG11 Foodbank, helping local people in crisis. Community is important to me, and I am proud of our village, its residents, businesses and amenities.
I have a great interest in Ruddington’s prosperity, and I hope to be a voice for fair and positive change in the Parish Council.”

“Independent voices are important. There should be different views heard on the Parish Council. I believe in being a voice for villagers on the Parish Council. Not a voice for the Parish Council to villagers. I have campaigned against large scale housing being imposed on the village and registered Sellors’ Playing Field as an asset of community value. If elected my priorities would be making the village a safer and more pleasant place to move around and supporting people and groups making a difference in the community.
Please feel free to get in touch with me:“
The election will take place on Thursday the 23rd of February from 7am to 10pm at Ruddington Village Hall providing that at least two of these candidates remain validly nominated after the close of the period of withdrawals for nominations.
Poll cards have been sent out to all Ruddington residents who’re eligible to vote. If you know you won’t be able to make it in person to vote on the 23rd of February then you can do so by post in advance. However please note that applications must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7YG by 5pm on Wednesday the 8th of February.
You can download a form >>HERE<<:
Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7YG by 5pm on Wednesday, the 15th of February.

Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this election applied for on grounds of physical incapacity, or for work/service reasons must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at Rushcliffe Arena, Rugby Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7YG by 5pm on Thursday, the 23rd of February. The physical incapacity must have occurred after 5pm on Wednesday the 15th of February. To apply on the grounds of work/service, the person must have become aware that they cannot go to the polling station in person after 5pm on Wednesday the 15th of February.
However and whenever you vote, do make sure to have YOUR say about the candidate you wish to represent you on Ruddington Parish Council!
Ruddington Parish Councillor Nick Tegerdine has now announced his resignation. This will mean another potential by-election for residents of Easthorpe Ward in due course.