Motorists who enjoy shaving a little off their journey time by taking the estate route between Wilford Road and Loughborough Road in Ruddington may be disappointed this week.
Gas work by Cadent on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council means that St John’s Road will be closed to traffic from this Monday (23rd April) for up to five days. This closure is necessary because the gas main which needs to be disconnected runs right down the middle of the road from the former Bostock’s DIY shop at 70, Wilford Road – recently demolished to make way for new housing.
As we reported last summer, Ruddington entrepreneur Rob Mascari has received planning permission to erect two state-of-the-art homes on the site (illustrated right). They are of contemporary, modular design meaning they will largely be assembled elsewhere before being craned into position. “We are working through the countless procedures and technical drawings to commence the build” explained Rob. “We are ‘hoping’ to start in the summer so we are watertight by late autumn! As you will appreciate, nothing is being done using standard techniques so the complexity of the build needs more consideration.”
The gas work happens to coincide with routine gully emptying work requiring temporary traffic lights on Loughborough Road, (see map below) just to add to the congestion!
It was thought this week’s road closure may mean a longer drive around for residents along St John’s Road and St Mary’s Crescent – with only pedestrian access maintained. However today a DIVERSIONARY route has been signposted along Savages Road and Savages Row – encouraging motorists to use one our narrowest village streets instead! Jane Glover commented: “A ridiculous diversion. The pavement down that road is very narrow for pedestrians, sending two-way traffic down there while children are walking to and from school is an accident waiting to happen!!!” Jenny Clarke adds: “Try living on Savages Row. It’s already a nightmare down this narrow road and now we have cars passing the front door way too quickly and two-way traffic down a single track road.”

So it seems not only is there no respite for estate residents – who’re used to all the drivers constantly cutting through their narrow and congested streets – but also a new peak time headache for Savages Row residents as well…
St John’s Road has now reopened to through-traffic following completion of the gas main work.
However motorists using Wilford Road in and out of Ruddington can expect further disruption until next Tuesday (1st May) now that the Severn Trent Water work postponed from February is finally taking place at the junction with Ruddington Lane and Landmere Lane (below). Three way temporary traffic lights there have been causing peak time delays for drivers – including Nottingham City Transport’s Navy 3 bus.Please keep an eye on our Twitter feed for updates…