Ruddington’s D-Day Beacon

This week, celebrations marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day are taking place nationwide and in other countries which were British allies during the Second World War.

This Thursday evening, 6th June 2024, our village will also be joining in.  Ruddington Parish Council (RPC) is inviting all residents along to the War Memorial on Church Street for 8.50pm as the countdown to the synchronised national beacon lighting gets underway. Ruddington Community Choir will be on hand with some appropriate songs as the sun sets and dusk prevails. Ex-service personnel in particular are being invited along to stand alongside them as some appropriate words are delivered by RPC Chairman Graham Fletcher before the lighting of the flame.

Cllr Graham Fletcher

Cllr Fletcher told “As the Chair of this village council I’m really pleased to be participating in a national event to remember the men that 80 years’ ago went up those beaches. Being an ex-member of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces myself, it is a great honour to be lighting the beacon at 9.15 pm.”

If you thought RPC’s D-Day Beacon {pictured top} looked familiar, that’s because it’s the same one which was used on The Green in June 2022 for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. The same venue was considered this time around, however, due to RuddFest, it was decided Ruddington War Memorial would be more appropriate.

Once the beacon is lit, our Community Choir will lead attendees in a couple of verses of ‘The Evening Hymn’ (words will be provided) followed by the bugle call of Sunset.

Everyone’s invited along to Ruddington War Memorial this Thursday evening, 6th June, from 8.50pm onwards, to mark this major milestone in world history.

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