Ruddington – Proud to Support the Sunflower

Have you spotted sunflowers and splashes of yellow appearing in our village?

We all want to live well but, if you have certain health conditions or illnesses, this might be a struggle, particularly if it’s a hidden disability. There are over 900 hidden disabilities, and these include: dementia, autism, visual or hearing impairment, anxiety disorders, asthma, ADHD, diabetes, fibromyalgia, migraine and MS.  You can learn more >>HERE<<.

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower lanyard or wristband is a simple way for anyone with an invisible condition to let others discreetly know that you have a disability or condition that may not be immediately apparent. It highlights that you may need a helping hand, kindness and patience, and more time in shops, at work, on transport, or in public spaces.

Barbara Breakwell, as a Ruddington resident with a chronic health condition, Gwynneth Owen as an NHS worker, and villager Graham Abbott as a carer, are collaborating to raise awareness of what the Sunflower symbolises. Ultimately they want to ensure that “Ruddington recognises that not all disabilities are visible”.

A newly created Facebook page, Ruddington Recognises, is giving local residents, businesses and organisations the opportunity to share their experiences and show support for the vision. The response so far has been incredible with local businesses displaying posters and even devoting their whole display window to the initiative. A huge thanks to Sarah at Phoenix Flowers for doing an amazing display (top photo).

Part of the awareness-raising is (subject to funding) to have lanyards and wristbands available for FREE to Ruddington residents. Ruddington Parish Council and Ridge Clean Energy have already provided funding for this end. The lanyards and wristbands will be available from St Peter’s Rooms and can also be requested via an email to or by requesting one at the Ruddington Village Market.

Barbara and Gwynneth , along with residents who have offered to help, will be at our Village Market, on The Green on Saturday 3rd August, on a stall generously donated by RVCP.  They will be sharing information and giving away free gifts.

Several businesses , organisations and charities are members of the Hidden Disabilities Network; Morrisons (Gamston) , Sainsburys and Tesco as members have a supply of FREE lanyards. Rushcliffe Borough Council will also have some at their Customer Service Centre, soon to be reopened at its new location within West Bridgford Library.

If you wish to purchase a lanyard or wristband, they are available online here:
Hidden Disabilities Sunflower (

or from a slightly cheaper supplier, who is part of the Hidden Disabilities network:
Accessibility – Special Stars Foundation (

Perhaps in the future, by being aware of the all encompassing Hidden Disabilities Sunflower, we as a village can also consider how we might also become a dementia friendly village, where we can support people living with dementia and their carers, to continue to live well in our community.

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