Ruddington Counts Down to The General Election

On Thursday 4th July, voters in Ruddington will get the chance to help choose our next MP to represent us in the Rushcliffe Constituency.

With just over two weeks to go, the full list of candidates who’ll be on the ballot paper this time around has been revealed.  In alphabetical order, they are:

Ruth Rosamond EDWARDS
The Conservative and Unionist Party

James Adam GRICE
Reform UK


Green Party

Labour Party

Harbant Kaur SEHRA

Liberal Democrats

Further details about all these candidates can be found >>HERE<<.

The last time there was a General Election, in December 2019, Ruth Edwards took over from Kenneth Clarke as our MP after holding the Rushcliffe seat for The Conservatives with 30,223 votes. Labour were second with 21,122 votes and the Liberal Democrats third with 9,600.

Most villagers have already received a forest of leaflets through our letterbox explaining various candidates’ (and parties’) local, national and international policies and promises for the next five years. However, if you’re eligible to vote but haven’t yet registered, the deadline to do this is 11.59pm tonight (Tuesday 18th June). You can register online >>HERE<<. This is also the case if you plan to vote by post or proxy, rather than in person.

Then you’ll need to apply for apply for:

  • a postal vote by 5pm on Wednesday 19th June >>HERE<< or
  • a proxy vote by 5pm on Wednesday 26th June >>HERE<<

If you do choose to vote in person, rather than by post, depending upon where in Ruddington you live, this will either be at Ruddington Village Hall (top photo) on Wilford Road (RUCA-1 to RUCA-1599/3 and RUEA-1 to RUEA-1340) or at St Peter’s Rooms (below) on Church Street (RUFL-1 to RUFL-1388 and RUMA-1 to RUMA-1917) – and will be stated on your Poll Card.

One other very important thing to bear in mind nowadays, if you plan to vote in person on the day, is that you’ll need to take along suitable ‘Photo ID’. These include your UK Passport, Photo Driving Licence, Blue Badge or Bus Pass.  Other acceptable forms of Photo ID can be found >>HERE<<.  Please remember it needs to be the original document you take along, and not a photocopy or a digital version.

Ruddington’s polling stations will be open to cast your vote in the General Election on Thursday 4th July 2024 from 7am until 10pm.

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