The man who has been Clerk to Ruddington Parish Council for the past five and a half years is retiring this month.
Since March, Gary Long been working alongside his successor Claire Dorans, as she settles into her new role at St Peter’s Rooms.
Gary says: “So, it’s time to retire. And, yes, I am looking forward to it! Being a clerk at a parish council like Ruddington is one of the most varied jobs you can have. I was warned by my predecessor that it ranged from drafting budgets to picking up dog poo; I have, so far, avoided the latter! I have really enjoyed the variety of work – no two days are remotely the same and I never quite know what I will be up to when I arrive at work.
“I have also dealt with a variety of people, situations and approaches. One thing I can say with certainty is that the staff at Ruddington Parish Council are the very best. I would like to thank them for all the hard work, skill and dedication they put in. I am sure that my successor, Claire, will come to rely on them as much as I have.
“I am proud of all that Ruddington Parish Council delivers to the local community: providing the facilities for football, dancing, cricket, brownies, guides, slimming clubs, bowls, yoga, the Village Green, tai chi, coffee and lunch clubs, baby groups, allotments, playing fields, cemetery, car parks (next to the Co-op and The White Horse Inn), the community bus, Christmas and Summer Fayres…and much more.”
Gary adds “I’d like to thank everyone involved with all these groups and activities which give so much to the community – organisers, councillors and participants, but above all the staff. I wish you all the very best.”
Commenting upon Gary’s departure, Chair of Ruddington Parish Council, Allen Wood says: “Gary has, during his time in Ruddington, seen many changes – both in the working of the Parish Council and in outside events. And he leaves with our thanks and very best wishes for a long and happy retirement.”
Gary officially finishes as Clerk on the 31st of May, but he is using up annual leave from the 12th of May onwards. So his last day in the office is expected to be May the 11th.

New Clerk Claire has held posts in Local Government for over 16 years, initially at Melton Borough Council and more recently at Asfordby Parish Council.
She says: “I thoroughly enjoy working in Local Government. Ruddington is a lovely village and I am looking forward to meeting the Councillors, residents and local business owners through the course of my duties.”