RGA Plant Sale
It’s that time of year! Pop along to the village plant sale at the coffee morning in St Peter’s Rooms between 10am and 12-noon on Wednesday 29th May.
This event is run by Ruddington Gardeners’ Association (RGA) and it says: we’ll be offering a selection of bedding, vegetable and perennial plants for sale . There will also be a book stall. Why not come along, enjoy refreshments and purchase plants for your garden at very competitive prices?”
Ruddington Gardeners’ Association was originally established in 1934 to promote and encourage the interests and activities of all those who enjoy gardening. Whether you already have an allotment, a garden at home or a simple window box, the Association hopes it has something of interest to offer you.
RGA is open to everyone, whatever your age! It has events, trips and meetings with speakers throughout the year – usually meet on the last Wednesday of most months at 7.30pm in the Hermitage. Membership is £5 a year and £2 at each meeting. Email RGA to find out more at enquiries@ruddingtongardeners.co.uk.
Disclaimer: RUDDINGTON.info publish all diary events in good faith and can’t be held responsible for any changes or cancellations of the activity. We run our calendar as a community service and details were correct at the time we promoted them, so advise you to contact the organiser before attending. Thanks.