Remembrance Sunday Service

On the Sunday nearest to Armistice Day, usually the uniformed groups from the village parade from The Green to the War Memorial, led by the Boys Brigade Band, and a short service is held at the War Memorial, which is followed by a full service at St Peter’s Church.
Due to the current 28 day national Coronavirus ‘lockdown’ this yearRuddington & District Branch of the Royal British Legion, our local church leaders and a representative from Ruddington Parish Council have instead pre-recorded their Remembrance service for viewing in our homes on the morning of Sunday November 8th.

The video is below. Please start playing it at 10:47’35” in order to observe the two minute silence at exactly 11:00’00”.

2020 will certainly seem a very strange year indeed, with no processions or crowds along Church Street for the first time since The Great War – as Ruddington continues to do battle with a much less obvious, viral invader.
Instead,the War Memorial gates will be open between the 6th and the 14th of November for privatereflection and for the laying of wreaths and crosses by individuals, groups and organisations from our village.

You can read more >>HERE

The event is finished.


08 Nov 2020


10:47 am - 11:05 am


Online @ from St Peter's & Ruddington War Memorial